
Sep 7, 2011
Hi everyone, I own a gaming pc in which I play Battlefield 3, TSW and I am plannning on playing upcoming games in the future.
It is a Windows Vista Home Premium 64bit with Intel core i7CPU 920 @ 2.67 GHz. 6 GB Ram and Nvidia force GTX275.

This is my GPU http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=gtx+275&hl=en&rlz=1R2ADSA_enUS375&prmd=imvnsr&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.&biw=1344&bih=686&wrapid=tlif131723062096210&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=12265007956363349479&sa=X&ei=HViDTpylNIegtweZtJXvAQ&ved=0CHcQ8gIwAQ#

And this my monitor http://www.lg.com/us/monitors/lg-L227WTG-lcd-monitor/technical-specifications#reviews

As I said before, I play videogames but lately I have to low down my graphics to be able to play because whenever it gets too crowed in the games the fps drops really fast making it really bad and annoying to play.
I would like to get some advice of what should be updraded on my computer and to what.
Thanks in advance!

You may want to upgrade your GPU to something like a GTX660Ti ($300) or if your budget allows, a GTX670 ($400).

I don't think a CPU upgrade would benefit you too much, so overclocking your CPU may be the better option :)


Sep 7, 2011
Thank you all for taking time helping.
As I read in your replies all I need is a new GPU. I was actually reading about the GTX660ti. Does it worth the $100 more to get the GTX670?
I am probably able to pay >$500 on a new GPU

When I was reading about the new GTX660ti I read that the GTX 660 Ti lets you take full advantage of the graphical feature called TXAA . Is it the same with the GTX670?
If you have a $500 budget for your GPU, I will highly recommend the GTX670.

The 660Ti is a great value in it's price point, but if I would prefer to take the 670 over it any day if my budget allowed.
Actually I retract and I'll also vote on the HD7850/GTX660Ti.

I didn't look at the specifications of the monitor and assumed it was 1080p -facepalm-

At that resolution, yes, it's highly overkill.