How do i get rid of wordpad


Sep 15, 2012
every time that i open ex:uotlook or avast or anyother programs word pad takes over right away. can not even accesse add or remouve program this is very frustrating


If you mean to completely get rid of it, without having to ever see it again? then:
start menu > search: wordpad > right click > open file location > delete everything in the file.

^ that should work.
"...very time that i open ex:uotlook or avast or anyother programs word pad takes over .."

Do you mean when you click a file you launch wordpad instead of the program you want? There are file types associated with files. The default program for a file type is used to choose the program if you double click a file. Instead right click the file and choose "open with" then pick the program you want or click 'choose default' in the menu to set up the default program.

If you mean something else can you need to spell it out. If 'wordpad' keeps popping up then something is launching it. Virus. Malware. Partially installed program. etc. that needs to be found and fixed. If you just delete wordpad then instead you will get error messages when whatever is launching it try and can't find it.