AMD fx-8120, seriously low FPS. Bottleneck?


Jan 30, 2013
I recently built my first computer and was looking forward to playing a lot of high end games. Although, I've been playing some fallout new vegas and I'm getting some seriously low FPS counts. Some areas run at 60fps, while most run at about 20

motherboard is asrock 970 extreme3
GPU is a radeon 7950
CPU is an amd fx-8120 un-overclocked at 3.1ghz
8gb ram
625w coolermaster psu

Could this be CPU bottleneck? Even though my specs blow new vegas's requirements out of the water? I also get around the same frames in skyrim. I also played kingdoms of amular which funnily enough runs at about 90fps, same with borderlands 2 in most areas.

I also tried running furmark and it was running at a constant 22fps, same deal with 3d mark 11. Low settings don't seem to give hardly any fps boost either. :(

Should I try overclocking? I'm nervous about it because I've never overclocked anything before...

Oh, and I also tried downloading the two FX cpu hotfixes from microsoft, they didn't help


May 3, 2012

Yeah those numbers are WAY low. Overclock that to 4GHz! You'll be fine then...