Can't sent email


Hello and welcome to Tom's Hardware Forums.

Your laptop almost certainly came with an e-mail handler - Outlook Express or Windows live, depending on the age of the machine. However, betters ones are available and I suggest Thunderbird from Mozilla - the Firefox browser people. Follow the links on their website to download it then install it and set up an account. To advise further on that part, we would need to know who your service provider is - Hotmail, G-Mail, etc.

As an alternative to all that, most accounts can be accessed through webmail - that is directly through their website. G-(for Google)Mail is a prime example so...

Hello and welcome to Tom's Hardware Forums.

Your laptop almost certainly came with an e-mail handler - Outlook Express or Windows live, depending on the age of the machine. However, betters ones are available and I suggest Thunderbird from Mozilla - the Firefox browser people. Follow the links on their website to download it then install it and set up an account. To advise further on that part, we would need to know who your service provider is - Hotmail, G-Mail, etc.

As an alternative to all that, most accounts can be accessed through webmail - that is directly through their website. G-(for Google)Mail is a prime example so post back some details - NOT your address and certainly NOT your password - and someone will be able to help.
