How do I change auto log off after 5 minutes - windows 7

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Depends what you mean by "auto logoff lock". If this is a home computer then change the screensaver settings (as suggested by boonality) and/or the power saving settings.

If this is a work computer it may be that a policy has been defined by your network administrator to lock the workstation after 5 minutes inactivity. In that case you can't change it, and you should respect the administrator's wishes.


Dec 10, 2011
How do I change auto logoff lock after 5 minutes?on my pc

after trying all settings in power policies...which didn't work to solve this issue i did this seems to work...
win+r> gpedit>computer configuration>windows settings>security settings>security options>microsoft network server:Amount of idle time required before suspending session .......i set to 0 never suspend

hope this helps
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