Good bandwith - BAD Latency


Mar 22, 2010
Going to keep this very short and simple. My ping in my Ventrilo is 160ms between 8-11 PM EST. It's usually 30. It's clock work. Every night at 8PM until 11, my ping sky rockets. Even in my video games. Every-single-night. Technicians came out, replaced the modem, replaced the wiring in and all around the house and had a truck come out to take a look at the pole outside. They claim they fixed it, but it's not. Because it's still happening.

It's happening now. My results come up as 25 down/2 up. That's 2.5mb/sec down, and 200 KB/Sec upload. The speeds are fantastic, but my ping to a New York server (where I live), is 87ms. That's horrible...

ISP: Optimum Online

This is a latency issue. My ping is sky rocketing. My internet speeds are not effected by this. Only between 8-11 PM. I don't know if it is traffic on the network, but my ISP has reassured me that they are monitoring my modem to see what I am going through. I do not have confidence that they will resolve this, because the team that came up said they did, and they have not.
Try to Tracert the Server in NY and then check for latencies and a Tracert again during the mentioned times.
Most probably, the intermediate nodes go down for maintenance during the time you mentioned thereby forcing you to take a longer route or then those servers or nodes maybe disabling the wan ping for those periods for their own reasons.
You can use a utility called NeoTrace and get a lot of very very useful info about your network too.