Does upgraded cable mean faster game ping?



A lot of cable companies have upgraded internet speeds for more money. Would this help at all with game ping times? Comcast has several tiers, from 1.5m down 384k up to 105m down 20m up. At what point does extra speed stop helping with game ping, if at all? Is even 1.5m down 384k up sufficient for todays online games, or does bumping from that to the next tier at 6m down 1m up help?
I might upgrade to the next tier for a month or so and see if I notice any difference while logging pings in the games I play most. I'm pretty sure that I have 20m down 4m up at the moment.


Dec 6, 2008
I would guess it would be the same ping, no matter what speed you at. But if that connection is maxed out then your ping will go higher. so it is better to have a faster connection, if others are using the internet

I agree. The Ping is a measurement of time to go the distance. It would theoretically not change with a faster connection speed. However, if things are optimized along the way to accommodate a faster connect speed, the ping could (but might not) improve substantially.

Games, well, the realized game reaction time will be tied to the weakest link in the connection. You may be fast, but what about further down the line towards your opponent? They may be slow, and thus the weakest link.

A 20M connection is flying pretty fast, so don't get your hopes up on an even faster connection.



Like the others said, bandwidth doesn't really affect ping unless you have a lot of transfers which cause buffering.

Typically, as long as your in use bandwidth is less than you available bandwidth, you should rarely have a packet in queue since your connection should be processing packets faster than you're sending/receiving them.

So, the latency of any single packet will be exactly the same with a 1mb connection as a 20mbit connection