Deployment Present ... Time to Upgrayyed (Name that movie)


Aug 24, 2011
Approximate Purchase Date: e.g.: 1 December

Budget Range: Whatever is necessary

System Usage from Most to Least Important: Gaming! I play everything: FPS, MMORPG, Action, EVERYTHING
Are you buying a monitor: Yes / No

Parts to Upgrade: I think I am mainly interested in upgrading the GPUs, but I read that the next generation of Intel CPUs is going to necessitate new MBs and crap.

Do you need to buy OS: Nope, using Windows 7 64bit

Preferred Website(s) for Parts: Mainly use Newegg and Amazon.

Parts Preferences: No preference, although I have read that AMD has gone gangsta on Nvidia with the 7000-series GPUs.

Overclocking: Currently have my CPU OC'd to 4.5Ghz

SLI or Crossfire: Absolutely!

Your Monitor Resolution: 1920x1080, but I am planning on running 3 1920x1080 monitors.

Additional Comments: I think I can re-use a lot of my current setup (please correct me if I'm wrong).

And Most Importantly, Why Are You Upgrading: Well I bought my last computer as a deployment present to myself and got to play on it for six months...only to be deployed again. So I am now going home in less than two weeks and want to order my new joints so I can see the awesomeness that will be my new crap. Any old parts left over I will donate to the old lady's computer.

Here is the current Hotness:

Core i7 2600k @ 4.5GHz -

Cooler Master Hyper 212+ EVO -

ASRock Z68 Extreme7 Gen4 -

8GB G.Skill Ripjaws X Series DDR3 1600 -

Crucial M4 128GB SSD -

Samsung Spinpoint F3 1 TB

MSI Lightning GTX 580 -

Corsair 600T Graphite (White) -

Corsair HX850

24-Inch Asus Full HD Monitor -

Windows 7 Home Premium

If I should need to add more info, please, by all means, let me know. Basically, I have read that SLI 580s is kinda pointless because of the heat and how much better two 670s are based on power and efficiency. I got the HX850 because I knew I would SLI/Xfire eventually...I have to say that I don't know where to begin besides that point simply because due to my deployment my research has been limited. Anywho, I am excited to get this going as I am getting out of the Army and I need something to whittle away my previous high octane life. Closest I'm gonna come to that is Call of Duty! Hook a bro up? Thanks all! :pt1cable:
Yes from what my sources say. the AMD surround beats NVIDIA's similar technology. As for 3D (no not hinting at getting 3D). NVIDIA's 3D is far more superior than AMD's. Because NVIDIA focused development on 3D rather than working more towards surround. But both still do the job quite nicely. Performance of cards depends on the driver. and obviously its AMD 1 week and NVIDIA the next
Well your current rig could use a graphics card update. But other than that i don't see any other weak points. How much you looking to spend? and by the way thanks for your service. Ive wanted to join the military for a long time have not yet... If you got enough, perhaps a 670 and later another 670. Or if you really want AMD, you can get a 7970 but right now there is a driver war going on. one week its AMD kicking ass the next its my team NVIDIA. So... pick your poison as they are both decent.


Aug 24, 2011

I appreciate the prompt reply. Joining the military is a great experience and I highly recommend it. Anyway, cash-wise, I'm not really too worried about it. I am definitely going with three monitors so I can experience the awesomeness that is surround gaming, so whatever the cost is to make that happen with the best frames is what I'm going for.


Aug 24, 2011

I appreciate the prompt reply. Joining the military is a great experience and I highly recommend it. Anyway, cash-wise, I'm not really too worried about it. I am definitely going with three monitors so I can experience the awesomeness that is surround gaming, so whatever the cost is to make that happen with the best frames is what I'm going for.


Aug 24, 2011
Well I am still unsure on whether to crossfire 7970s or SLI 670s. I think that is the major question. It is just not an easy one to answer. I am not averse to either one, but I would prefer to have whatever works better. I have seen the reviews that say that they basically trade blows, but I guess I need to see what actual people who have used one or both to help sway my decision.
I say get the two 670s.2 670s will get you surround. Just make sure you get the 4gb model 670s. You may want to check out 3d as well. I would go 3d before I went surround. I like surround for non gaming use but 3d I love 3d
If multi-monitor gaming is a possibility, then dual 7970's is the way to go. The extra GB of VRAM (1GB per screen) and wider memory bus really helps it here. As well as a better utility for multi-monitor gaming Eyefinity, which is superior to Nvidia Surround (just like 3D Vision is superior to HD3D or whatever AMD's 3D utility is called).
Unless Nvidia have dropped a Catalyst 12.11 like driver as of late, the 7970 Ghz is the fastest single GPU card you can get.


Aug 24, 2011
Thanks for the replies guys! Rockdpm - I'm not so sure that I am yet prepared to plunge into 3D gaming as it doesn't really tickle my fancy. I may explore that down the road though. Thanks for the input.

manofchalk - Multi-monitor gaming is not a possibility, that will be my new reality. I like the idea of the extra RAM and the memory bus difference. Upon further research, 7970s do seem to offer more bang for the buck. Definitely food for thought!

Although, it seems that the more information I read, the more lost in stats I become. I can dig it though! Thanks gents! I think I am leaning toward the 7970 solution...


The latest NVIDIA driver puts the680 in the lead at those time....sorry


Aug 24, 2011
Hmmm, see what I mean? By the way...Idiocracy is the correct answer. Anyway, I suppose that maybe I shouldn't lean towards the 7970s? EyeFinity is apparently superior to nvidia surround...
Yes from what my sources say. the AMD surround beats NVIDIA's similar technology. As for 3D (no not hinting at getting 3D). NVIDIA's 3D is far more superior than AMD's. Because NVIDIA focused development on 3D rather than working more towards surround. But both still do the job quite nicely. Performance of cards depends on the driver. and obviously its AMD 1 week and NVIDIA the next