Which 7950 to choose


Oct 22, 2012
Hi I am new to the forum i would like your help in choosing my card!!!

Which of those would you choose and why?

1st http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814150588&name=Desktop-Graphics-Card for 317 euro in my Country!!

2nd http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814125414&Tpk=Gigabyte%20Radeon%20HD7950%203GB for 325 euro

3rd http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814202003&name=Desktop-Graphics-Cards for 322 euro!!

I am open to any other suggestion

The rest of my pc :
i5 3570k oc at 4.2 ghz
8gb ram corsair vengeance
hx 650 watt corsair
1920x1080 display monitor
I am currently running whith the 6850!!!
My reasoning why that card is because it runs really quiet and keeps temps under control Sapphire's HD 7950 Vapor-X comes with a large dual-fan cooler that uses the company's famous vapor-chamber technology. On the Vapor-X you will also find a "Lethal Boost" button which switches to a second BIOS with higher clock speeds. With this BIOS, clocks are increased to 950 MHz GPU and 1250 MHz memory.


Oct 19, 2012
The Vapor-X has a really good cooler. I have seen OCs up to and beyond 1200MHz (core clock) on it, which ends up having better performance than a non-OC'd 7970 GHz Edition.


Oct 22, 2012
I've heard that vapor-x is voltage locked due to vrms overheating, is that true???
After some digging i did i am leaning toward gigabyte!! 1year extra warranty, equal cooler to vapor-x and from what i have seen it overclock like a beast!! But if what i said at the begining is not true then Sapphire is the one to go!!!


When faced with a similar dilemma I went with the Gigabyte Windforce 7950 3GB myself.

Oc'ed to 1,300MHz on air with 1.225 mV on the core. Card runs a bitcoin mining client 24/7. Max temp is around 80C - 85C on the core (varying on ambient temp).
Go with which ever you prefer i have not seen any proof of the issue your asking about i heard stuff but without me seeing some solid proof i just chalk things up like that as blanket statements ;)