How i can make dedicated server on my own pc

First, unless this is only a hobby site, you do not want to run it on your desktop PC; you need a dedicated PC/server.

Second, you must check to see if your Internet provider allows servers, of if they are blocked.

Third, you need to determine how your DNS will work. If you have a static IP address you can simply use the DNS service that came with the domain, but if it not then you also need a service like Dynamic DNS.

Fourth, you will need to decide what type of server software you want to run.

Fifth, configure your server to use no more than 80% of your UPLOAD bandwidth, because if your upload gets saturated it will kill your download speed.


Dec 28, 2011

can you tell from where i can get the server and what is the good kind ?

thanks you so much for the help
You need to decide what server software you will run, and that will help determine what type of hardware you need.

For example, if you want to run a web server with Internet Information Server, then you will need to run a server version of Windows and need a beefier PC than if you want to use Apache which can run on desktop Windows just fine.


Dec 28, 2011

Thank you for replying

well the truth is i need to make a small hosting company and i know everything about it but the problem is

i don't know how to start it like whats server and equipments should i have

and how much will cost me to buy these equipments ?

For example lets say a web server "Linux"

and thank you soo much for your help I appreciate
I am sorry, but this question is still too vague, and the level of detail you seem to need worries me. If you are really creating your own hosting company to sell hosting to others, then you need a consultant who can sit down with you and explain all the details directly.

There are MANY other important details you have not even asked, such as what type of internet connection you need and how much bandwidth, what reliability rating you will be targeting and how to achieve it, etc. . . .


Jan 8, 2012
you will need to run a server version of Windows and need a beefier PC than if you want to use Apache which can run on desktop Windows just fine.


Jun 23, 2016
Firstly, you obtain a Dedicated Machine and set up the Operating System. Before setup, you have to check configuration of the OS for Web Hosting server. Next setup is set up your self-hosted domain and final you have install monitoring tools.