Confused: 650ti vs 7850

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Nov 15, 2012

i know the "power" was performance, but the fxaa performance hit was half compared to msaa and still better,
and a few games support txaa too, i'm pretty sure that GTA5 will too


Honestly I'm not a big fan of anti-aliasing, I tested it often in the past and I have a hard time noticing the improvement in quality not to mention that it lowers your FPS. I try to stick with 4X MSAA and not bother too much with it. But in most games I would remove AA or put it back and would have a hard time noticing the difference.

Anyways, you should get the 7850 there's no contest. I don't think you can say that nvidia drivers are better anymore. Not a lot of games have PhysX, for instance my last 2 video cards were nvidia and I never ever used PhysX. In other words, I don't see any advantage nvidia vs. AMD, or maybe there are some but with things that I'm not using anyways so I don't bother I just play games. I don't have any preference, I'm looking to replace my video card and I might change for AMD, I've not decided yet, but in my book AMD and nvidia are pretty close to each other for gaming performance.


Mar 3, 2009

Yes. However, I recommend that you get a gtx 660 (Non-Ti) instead if you prefer nVidia.

As regard of drivers, AMD's driver is not as good as that of nVidia but OK under windows. Though, for Linux, you will definitely want an nVidia card as AMD's driver under the OS is terrible. However, I have to agree with others that 7850 would be the better choice compared to 650Ti if you mainly (80% +) use windows OS.


Yeah exactly you seem to have already made up your mind before posting. If all you want is nvidia at least get the GTX 660.

However your question was between a 7850 and a 650ti and there's no contest between the two, the 7850 is clearly superior for every games (even those favoring nvidia), FXAA won't change that.


Nov 15, 2012
i'm sorry for that but, i've never had a graphics card before, and
i've heard really good things about nvidia,
and there is also a budget thing, the 650 is 11000 in my country!!
and the 7850 is 15000!! and i'm still a student so my dad is paying for it,
so is the 7850 is still worth it? coz if all of u are on 7850's side, i guess it is
a superior card, but given all the circumstances, and th fact that i will be playing in
1600x900 is the 7850 still better or is it a overkill for my resolution??



If u play new game's (that will come out after some time 1 year maybe ?) , at some u will have to lower some AA ,AF but for now it will be ok.

And for 4000 Rs u don't need that much for that res.

Gtx 650 Ti will serve u well . :)
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