
Jan 28, 2013
So i am building my first rig and decide to join.I just want to know about part compatibility. Also if you have any other suggestions i will gladly accept. Here are the parts i am planning:

Gigabyte GA-Z77-DS3H, Socket-1155 MOBO

Intel® Core i5-2500K Processor

CM Storm Trooper Gaming Big Tower

Gainward GeForce GTX 660Ti 2GB PhysX GPU

Corsair Value S. DDR3 1333MHz 8GB KIT

Seagate Barracuda® 1TB HDD

Corsair CX 500W PSU

So first, will these parts work together and second any suggestions.



Wrong forum section, so the thread will probably get moved.

Looks fine basically. You should probably go for 1600Mhz ram, its almost the same price usually. Processor will work fine but the general recommendation at that price window is usually going to be the 3570K, unless the 2500K is a fair bit cheaper.
In machines of this quality, an SSD is usually a preferred option too.


All of youtr listed oarts wirk together (or at least they should if not defective), but, without giving info on the use for the buils it is impossible to say if it will perform to your wishes. I'd increase the spec on the speed of the RAM, but that would only provide a marginal improvement in performance.


Jan 28, 2013
Thanks for the quick replies. I did indeed decide on the 3570k instead as the price tag was the same. I also looked at some 1600mhz Crucial ballistix 8gb RAM and was wondering if it would fit.

For those wondering it is meant to be a gaming rig. But as it is my first build i didn't want to cash out for the bigger cards and decided on the 660 TI as a good Price/Performance card.