New 2560x1440 monitor is making multiplayer unplayable!


Apr 22, 2010
Hey guys.. recently just got the ASUS pb278q monitor and I LOVE it, however there's a big problem. Ever since I started using it my multiplayer games like BF3 ( ping would bounce up to around 300-400 scale) and Planetside 2 have started to lag pretty crazily. My frame rates are absolutely fine but I'll see people glitching about and all sorts, so much that it is pretty unplayable. So you can probably understand my concern... I really hope you can help me as I tried searching for someone who had a similiar problem but couldn't find one...


Apr 22, 2010
I just put it down to 1080p there and still got the same problem. I've also tried keeping the main internet connection wire away from the screen incase and it's wires incase there was any interference going on but still no luck...


Oct 27, 2012
What cpu do you have in the system,and the graphics card you are using. It looks like the culprit the network adapter still has to go through the cpu to work, so if the cpu is in high demand it will be the cause of the High pings you are getting from time to time the cpu may be bottle necking the system.Have a check in the CCC control panel or Nvida depending on the card and check that Physx is set to use the GPU not the cpu. it may help.
But the spec of the current card may be the cause when using it at such a resolution.
How did it perform on the old monitor you had was it set to a lower resolution ?



Apr 22, 2010
I'm using a GTX 480 and an i5-3570k clocked to 4Ghz... And the old monitor was at 1080P but even with the new monitor set at 1080P it still caused problems.


Apr 22, 2010
Yeah that's what I thought but ever since I've set up this monitor it's messed it up! Really can't think what's doing it :/
I have a GTX670 and play BF3 as well at first I thought it was the 1440p resolution which would in fact be more taxing on your card. Ping and connection like neon said have nothing really to do with your problems I think. I try to stay with US servers or a Country that isn't far away although I normally have AMAZING luck with German Servers. I have ping issues at times honestly but that is because sometimes the maps that have players are sometimes out of country and I have fiber optic internet from Verizon 50 down 25 or 30 up I can't remember.
I'm telling ya sidd the ping when you play in other country's can sky rocket. I would bet him playing single player will show that most certainly. Also nice monitor a1an I have the PB238Q I didn't have the stomach to buy the 27 inch:p


Apr 22, 2010
I played in servers where I was the only person and it still sky rocketed. And for some reason if I put things at the top of my screen they dissappear even though if I hover my mouse over the bit where they dissappear and drag down they come back into view again? and thanks bigshootr8!
Hmm very odd but yea your problem is quite common and I get kicked from a lot of servers due to the ping being over 150 I think it is. Hmm your mouse disappearing is quite odd I haven't noticed that. Also no problem now give me your 27 inch screen :D :pt1cable:


Apr 22, 2010
Also I did the Pingtest and I got a ping of 30ms with a jitter of 19ms.. I'm pretty sure my jitter is higher than before...


Apr 22, 2010
My mouse doesn't dissappear, just my icons... this is driving me mad... might just give you the monitor haha. :p


Apr 22, 2010
I don't know... I switched the two DVI cables coming out of my GFX card so my main monitor was the no.1 monitor.... and tweaked a bit with the "set up multiple displays" nvidia screen.


Apr 22, 2010
Nvm, managed to fix the whole dissappearing thing by messing around with it a bit more, now I just need to fix this damn ping problem! :(
Put your resolution at a setting your old monitor can handle, play the game, see if it lags, swap to your old monitor, play game, same server, see if it happens again.

It's a real easy test to eliminate the monitor (still not sure how) but it's the easiest thing to do.


Apr 22, 2010
Yes bigshootr8 and nah the GTX 480 doesn't have a displa port so I use the GTX 480's two dual link DVI-D ports... and getochkn I unplugged my new monitor and played at 1080P with just my old monitor plugged in and still had the ping problems. My helicopter in a bf3 empty server would keep lurching about the place while maintaining good frame rate.
Have you tried hooking up your old monitor? There is a possibility that your ISP has done something to get in your way. I once had a month of horrible connections with Comcast, when they were working on the lines in my area. They didn't notify me either. I got a couple months free after complaining.


Apr 22, 2010
Yeah well I already had my old monitor hooked up so I just removed the new monitor and I did the pingtest : ping = 37ms jitter=27ms and the speedtest : 12.22Mbps down and 3.52Mbps up! so worse than before... bf3 was just as bad as well.. I played farcry 3 singleplayer however and I got none of the lag I encountered when in bf3 multiplayer and planetside 2.


Jul 5, 2012
It seems like your having rubber-banding issues. Those issues are only caused by sudden drops in your network connection or lost packets. Think of it like a car engine misfiring occasionally.

These issues are most common on wireless networks or "shared" networks like some apartment buildings.

Your download speed seems fine but your upload seems a bit off as it's usually about 1/5 of your download speed. Typically on multi-player games your upload speed is more important than your download speed.

Also, try resetting your modem/router and see if that helps.

I would run some type of network monitor and watch your connection ( control + shift + escape then select networking ). Turn off any programs that use bandwidth (torrents, etc) and see what happens.

You could also try using the command prompt (start button - run or search box - type "cmd" without quotes and hitting enter) and then typing "ping -t" and the ip address of the server you are connecting to to see the extent and how often your ping fluctuates.

Example, one of my favorite BF3 servers (pRc - REDDIT: 64p | All Maps | Team Balance | PBBans GGC) it's ip address is

So to ping it I open the command prompt and type the following:
ping -t

Then you will get something that says and it will keep repeating with only the time=XXXms changing:

Reply from bytes=32 time=XXXms TTL=106

The only number that is important is the time=XXXms, as that is your ping to that server at that given time. If you happen to see something that says "Request timed out." then the information was dropped and it is a lost packet.

If you have a solid connection then your ping should not fluctuate by more than 40ms between the highest and lowest ping.

Also, let this run for about 2 or 3 minutes and see how things look.

Stop it by pressing Control + C

After doing that you will have your ping statistics show up. You will have the number of packets sent, packets received and packets lost. Also, the important stuff, your ping times.

They will be listed as minimum, maximum and average.

The closer those numbers are to 0 and the closer they are together, the better your connection is.