Upgrading from AMD A10 5700 HD Graphics To higher Graphics

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Jan 19, 2013
Hi I am new to the computer world and I recently bought myself a PC for gaming.
My current PC specs are as follows:
Processor: AMD A10 5700 APU with Radeon HD Graphics 3.40 GHz
Installed RAM: 10.0 GB
System Type 64 Bit
Model Number: p7-1240

I am a complete noob and I want to upgrade my graphics so I can play games on high or ultra settings. I have the money to upgrade but I just need a little help picking out what I need and how to do it. I've heard it's easy and a good learning experience and I'd love to do it.

Basically I am not sure if I would have to upgrade my powersupply or cpu or anything I need help understanding what I have to do. I would really appreciate it. I would also like to stream my gameplay which I know I need to upgrade for that. So any input would be helpful I would like to stay with AMD. Please help. :)

Budget: I would like to stay in the 300 - 400 $ range.



You would most likely need a total system rebuild depending on the games you wanted yo play and the resolution of your monitor.
Maxing out games is something very difficult to do but it doesn't look like you are after that. I'm a bit confused about your ram arrangement to start I take it you are probably using 2x 4 gigabyte sticks and 1x 2 gigabyte stick. I would think it would be more efficient to run to in dual channel. I believe you can get high settings and ultra in places I think maxing out your games is a bit out of the picture with your current CPU as most high end graphic cards need a higher end CPU to push that kind of power.

So what would I recommend for you. I would say either a 660Ti, or a 7870 would be a great place for you. How large is your power supply? Do you know its model number?

You shouldn't have to upgrade your CPU to get the settings you are after you aren't after maxing your games. I would say you would be a better position if you had a stronger CPU something like a i5 3570k. However that would cost quite a bit from where you are at and I believe you can get great settings with your current CPU without shelling out the cash for a new motherboard and new cpu. I'm curious what others may think but if it were me I would say a 7870 would be the sweet spot for you anything beyond that I would start to think quite possibly a CPU upgrade would be optimal.


Jan 19, 2013
As I sad I am very computer illiterate, so I am sorry if I am not making much sense.

First off I would like to basically get higher FPS in my games, I am playing MMO's and First person shooters. I am wondering what I would need to do. Do I have to remove the 5700 before putting in new graphics or leave it? What's a good enough powersupply to get it going? And a graphics card that suits what type of games I play.

My computer has 10 gb of ram.
Well firstly let me help you out here so you don't know what power supply you have so what I would like you to do is open your case and look at the sticker on the power supply. And perhaps report back with 1. Model number 2. Wattage, and 3. 12V amps/wattage. I would say Big's recommendation works as well I think for a mix of high and ultra and no AA+AF you could get away with a GTX660.
Well it really depends on your budget sir. For a budget builder I would say a 300R from Corsair a Cooler Master HAF 912 is also a valid option. I would say if you were wanting to spend in the 80-120 dollar mark that may change its truly up to you.

300R price range broken down by store
inside a 300R

HAF 912 broken down in price

And my personal opinion the best case under 100 dollars

Fractal Design Define R4 (Black pearl); comes with sound dampening padding to keep your computer very silent also provides great airflow and is a very solid case with tons of cable management a very builder friendly case.


As a disclaimer these are my opinions a case is more of a personal touch and its up to you to make those decisions.
I would advise against getting a case with a power supply normally the power supplies they put in cases are not of good quality I feel like you can get a good case and a good power supply but I wouldn't buy them together in the same box. Since the topic is solved they will close it soon so you can message and I'd be happy to give my opinion or you can open a new thread which is fine to :) I just don't like seeing people getting cut off.
Not a problem. I'm going to try and get you on the right track before its closed. This is something you may want to consider. You get both a great power supply and a great budget case for just a few dollars over 100 :)
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant / Benchmarks

Case: Cooler Master HAF 912 ATX Mid Tower Case ($49.99 @ NCIX US)
Power Supply: XFX 550W 80 PLUS Bronze Certified ATX12V / EPS12V Power Supply ($53.99 @ NCIX US)
Total: $103.98
(Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available.)
(Generated by PCPartPicker 2013-01-20 00:42 EST-0500)
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