My AMD 7870 Overclock settings, to high or just right?


Apr 15, 2009
After doing some reading etc on my video card and unlocking the voltage on the 7870 using MSI Afterburner I was able to achieve the following settings

None Overclocked Overclocked
Core Voltage 1219 Core Voltage 1300
Core Clock 1100 Core Clock 1250 (1300 seems to be fine as well)
Memory Clock 1200 Memory Clock 1450

Using the overclocked settings and leaving the fan some were around 80 to 100 percent after 6 to 8 hours of raiding, the temps at a max Might reach 57 degrees. Now I have looked at some reviews and have not found any of the overclock settings in the reviews running as high as I am such as 1250-1300 on the core clock.

Is there a reason?
Am I pushing the card to hard even know the temps are not high?
Or are people out there pushing beyond this and I have just not seen there settings
