Router randomly deciding to stop working. DIR-655



Once again I'm stuck to tethering on my phone due to my router deciding to call it quits for the random moment. I cannot access its control panel, the network just goes kaput. Given that I don't have access to the router since it's part of a double house (the side I'm not on of course), this is getting beyond irritating to reboot it when this happens as that is the only way to fix it. The connections are even wired, too. What kind of money does it take to get a router that is going to STAY on and just work? I'm ready to dump some serious cash into this at this point because this happens at least twice a week anymore. I just want a router that works. It needs to be wireless as my neighbor does use his kindle on it every once and a while.


The DIR 655 has such crazy reviews on newegg, I don't understand if I either have a bad batch or people really don't care too much about resetting their router (it drives me bonkers as I can't do it at will most of the time). I was looking at the Asus router, what's to say that one wouldn't overheat if that was the case as well? just more expensive hardware in it? As for it being overwhelmed it almost never sends data to more than 2 computers at a time, even rarely 2 at a time. The others on my network are very casual web browsers.


It could be that you just have a defective router. Have you tried contacting D-Link to try to get it resolved? They may be able to replace it for you if it's still under warranty.

Nothing to say it won't overheat, but there is such a large user base for it that support is there should something go wrong, and it's the preferred router of those who do a lot of internet streaming (torrents, streaming) because of it's capacity and speed.


I'm going to have them replace it most likely. Hopefully they'll be able to send me one before I can send this one back otherwise i'll have no net for an eternity due to how long it takes for RMAs to fully be done ._.