Network Shares not showing in client


Sep 7, 2009

I recently did a clean install of Win 7 64-bit Pro on my workstation. This was previously connected to my DNS (Windows server 2008 R2) which i use to host my files, music etc for my home network. I was previously able to see my network shares in windows explorer (client side) but now I don't. If i go to search box and \\server\ the shared folders will then be displayed in windows explorer under network and i have access to them.

I've done a small amount of digging but have so far found nothing to point me in the right direction. So while i have access i would like to be able to point windows media player to my shared music on the server, which i can't do now because I have no way to navigate to that folder. Same with other programs such as outlook, when i want to attach a file to an email i'm not able to navigate to the share. Weird as i have access to the share by search \\server\

I got windows server 2008 r2 through school and as time permits learning along the way...

Thanks for any help or advice


You could just map a share to the folder and then you could browse to them from the different programs you mentioned.


Sep 7, 2009
Thank you for your response. Must of tried both the GUI and CLI from your link 10-20 apiece. Access Denied.

I decided to go back through all my settings (server side) and when i went to the folder that i wanted to share my HTPC and Laptop were still on the list of users to share this folder with but my workstation was now excluded from the list. I had my workstation set up as a user and all I needed to do was re-add it to the folder/share/list. Rebooted workstation poof server shows up in my network and i'm able to point windows media player to the shared file with full access again. I tried mapping network drive per your suggestion and this method now works also.



Yes, Clean installing even with the exact same user name forces you to do this. Same when you go to run a backup. If you get an error about not finding C: then go into the 'what to backup' and select the other c: drive. I think this only happens if you install over an existing windows installation though.