
Feb 5, 2002
I'm trying to build a home theater system. I have two options. First is to use a DVD player with a A/V receiver connected to BOSE speakers. Second option is that I can use my PC to act as a theater system. For example, I can connect the DVD player to MegaWorks 510D by Cambridge SoundWorks speaker system, which includes a decoder (I guess and the best 5.1 speaker right now) and can drop the idea of purchasing a A/V receiver and separate speakers. In this case, I just have to invest one time for the speakers and all and I can also get good computer music too, apart from getting good movie sound and all.

I don't have much idea about this second option is a right thing to do or not. Any comments please?


Mar 8, 2002
I don't think anyone can answer that for you, man. Thats completely up to whatever you feel like doing. There is no right or wrong here. Both options have their uses and pluses and minuses and your the only one who can decide whats right for you. If you wanna watch movies at your pc...thats one thing...if you want a huge living room sound system thats quite another.

The itsy bitsy spider climbed up the empires state building, along came goblin, wiped the spider out


Oct 2, 2001
I'd have to say do what ever has your biggest interest. computer ver. TV. If I did it that way, I would also get really long speaker wires and move the speakers near the TV when I was watching a movie, then move them back when on the computer. Since it would be hold to position the speakers for both the TV and computer, unless you were able to adjust each speaker.

Hey Baby, want to play with my computer?