3 wireless routers 1 modem


Jun 3, 2012
Hey there everyone.

This is my first post here and I need some advices in configuring my home network.

Right now I have 4 network equipments: 1 ADSL modem with wireless and 3 wireless routers.

The ADSL modem is connected to the phone line and its wi-fi is disabled. 2 wireless routers are connected to the modem via cable and the remaining router is connected wirelessly via bridge mode to a same brand and model router wired to the modem.

So what we have is something like this:

Phone line
ADSL Modem (LAN IP:; WAN: dynamic ISP IP)
| | | |
| | | PC
| | PC 2
| Wireless router (LAN IP:; WAN: DHCP from modem)
Wiresless router (LAN IP:; WAN: DHCP from modem)
Wireless router on bridge mode via wi-fi (LAN IP:; WAN: DHCP from Wireless router)
| |
| Panasonic Viera
Apple TV

Also, the wireless router on bridge mode is used that way because there is no way to connect wires to it at the location the TV and the Apple TV are, although the distance between the routers is about 7 meters (I guess something like 21 feet).

So. I wanted all devices in the network to see each other, which does not happen with this configuration of mine. My first thought was to disable DHCP on all devices and let the modem handle the IP requests but I am afraid that it will overload the modem and therefore freeze it and that I'll have to reboot it constantly.

I could and I actually do sometimes, connect the Apple TV wirelessly to the internet, but the TV I need to wire it.

Any suggestions?

