Too Soon For Windows 8?

Hey all,

I figured I'd get some opinions in regard to the reported rumors (from this site) about Windows 8 making an appearer in 2011 at some point? I'm thinking that it if it happens in 2011, it will be a beta version and we won't see a RTM version of it until 2012 sometime. Never the less, it seems a bit soon for Microsoft to be charging full on ahead with a new OS. Windows 7 has proved to be rather successful, especially in regard to supplanting the Vista complaints and problems. I'm thinking that they should go with W7 until at least the end of 2012 and then look for releasing W8 in early 2013. Never the less, if things happen as fast as the rumors are saying, I'm thinking MS wants to officially wipe out XP users and start switching the mainstream to 64 bit.

What does everyone else think?
I think they should look at early to mid 2012 for a new release. Windows 7 is a really solid OS and Microsoft should milk it for all it's worth (not that they aren't already inclined to do that). Waiting until 2013 to bring out a new version is simply too long. We don't want more delays like what we saw with Vista.
I think they'll ride the windows 7 wave as long as it's profitable. They created a lot of hype, and it's selling well. If news of a new OS starts coming out, many consumers will hold off and wait for the new OS.