
Jun 7, 2010
Ok i see the advertising for this i have all my devices connected up with this cable. How in gods world can we use ethernet over hdmi? I can find nothing absolutely nothing about it online plenty of information on what rthe spec is supposed to do but sod all on how to use it. I really want to use this feature as itll eliminate multiple cables in my home entertainment setup.

Can anyone elaborate this for me please?
It's only going to work if the devices at both ends actually use it. Merely having the cable isn’t enough. And like any new technology, it’s a bit of a chicken and egg problem; who goes first and commits to the interface? For networking manufacturers, there isn’t much incentive. Most ppl are far more interested in wireless, not wire. And manufacturers don’t necessarily make decisions based on what makes the most technical sense, but what sells! That’s why I’m not convinced this has much of a future, or at best will only be a niche product, such as your AV/HTPC-to-TV connection.



Jun 7, 2010

I was thinking similar basically a stage where the tech is ahead of the consumer. Tech always seems to be ahead. but still this doesnt explain why there virtually no information on it anywhere. Odd.