Cable modems


Just a shot in the dark, but cable companies registers your MAC from router, if that is what you gave them first and that IS what is recommended. Any MAC address changes may cause disconnection at all times. Call up company and change MAC address.
Hope this helped.
What is this in reply to? Yes, some cable companies register the MAC of the device connected, and then you must call them if you change equipment. HOWEVER, on most routers and PCs is it trivial to override the MAC.


Aug 8, 2012
This post is random. Yes, I remember when I started with my provider, I had to give them the MAC of my modem. I got it wrong the first time somehow, and the service wasn't working because of it. So I can verify this

I wish that were true with Suddenlink in California. The first time you plug in a device to your modem, whether it is a PC or a router, the DHCP server records the MAC and WILL NOT give you another IP address until you call customer service ans ask the DHCP be reset.

I have gotten around this issue by overriding the MAC when changing PCs or modems. I record the MAC on the old device, then use that on the new device.


Bubblehead - I have Time Warner, YES they register a MAC and I tried to connect pc straight to modem and got no internet, they register the Router MAC which is the smart way for usability.
My response was to another posting on a linked website ? I don't know how my reply ended up here.