USB modem running two routers


Oct 28, 2012
Hello, I live in Costa Rica and use a USB modem for internet on my laptop and have a weak, amplified cell signal...4 lines on my phone, I tried to set up a TP link router that takes the USB modem with only moderate sucess. I seem to be able to get an internet connection with a cable butnot through the least not regularly. I only show 1/3-1/2 bars of signal on my TP link connection. I htink the signal will get stronger in the near future.
my big problem is that I have a small hotel about 75 m away from my office(separated by trees) and I would like to run a cable from my TP- Link to another regular router in the hotel so guests can have internet. There are no mre USB cards available in our area so it is about my only option. Will it work and how do I set up the second router


Sep 29, 2012
So if we assume you somehow get good signal to your tplink router it is pretty simple to get the second router. You can run just regular ethernet cable but if you bury it will not last real long and will most likely short out. You need outdoor cable or put it in plastic pipe of some kind.

The second router you want to run as a AP or just hook the cable to the lan port and turn off the dhcp. You can run it as a router if you really want but it tends to make some things more complex.