Windows 7 for multiple PCS


Mar 10, 2008
Is there any box bundles that would let me install on multiple computers, looking at 3-10computers here. Downloading is not an option. Thanks guys.
Buy a Technet Plus Single User subscription for $599 USD. 10 keys for every edition of Windows 7 (plus a whole bunch of other Microsoft software). Overall, TPSU should be cheaper than buying individual boxed copies of the OS, and that subscription level will ship product DVD's to you. Make sure that you pick the right one though, as the Technet Plus Direct subscription is identical, but does not ship out product DVD's.

... and no, the product keys you get through Technet do not expire if your Technet subscription lapses. All that happens is you simply lose access to the keys, the downloads, and no more DVD's get sent to you until (or if) you renew.

Edit: Microsoft did originally offer a family pack for Windows 7 Home Premium which contained 3 Home Premium keys, but I don't believe it is available anymore.


Dec 28, 2009
"Software included in TechNet Plus Subscriptions is provided with rights to evaluate. Licensed users may install included content on any number of devices for evaluation purposes only. Only the licensed subscriber may use the included products. Please see the product use rights or license terms for TechNet Plus Subscriptions for more details."

It's there to protect Microsoft's backside. The keys you get through Technet are retail keys (the same type you would get if you bought a copy in a store). Right now, I am permanently "evaluating" Windows 7 on 6 different systems.