
Mar 28, 2012
Hello. I just recently upgraded to xfinity internet and voice. In the box they game me an arris modem. I got the cable hooked up and everything and the internet works fine. I have to run an ethernet cable from the modem to my laptop to connect. But i want to be able to use wifi. I own a netgear router that i previously used for wifi, but now i cannot configure the router to the modem. Ive tried alot of other methods i found online to get it to work but i still cant seem to get it. It is a RangeMax dual band wireless-N modem router. And an Arris TM822 modem. Im running windows 7. If anyone could help i would really appreciate it. Thanks in advance.



The router should work fine, just connect the Ethernet cable from the modem to the WAN port of the router and a computer to the LAN part (worry about wireless after the wired works). Then reset the router with the small button in the hole on the back and power cycle the modem, give them some time.

HERE is a handy chart on the modem light colors and blinking. You may need to set your router to a different WAN setting depending on your service (like PPPoE) in the router configuration.


Mar 28, 2012
Anytime i try to make a connection between the modem and router with an ethernet cable, the link light flashes orange. It stays green and i get a connection between just the modem and laptop, but the router doesnt connect it. Is the router just not connecting with the modem? im not sure how to fix that.


You have to set your router for the connection, check your manual and ISP help pages for the correct information. You may have to clone a MAC address to the router and/or set it for PPPoE. Did you reset the router to default first? Don't worry about the lights until you properly configure the router and make a connection.