Supreme Ruler 2010 is gold



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So that May 10th release date looks solid.

Jonah Falcon


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"Jonah Falcon" <> wrote in message
> So that May 10th release date looks solid.
> Jonah Falcon

few quotes on this one:

"I was shocked when I found out that this game was gold.

The game is one of the classic examples how feature creep can really wreck a
concept. I had faith at the beginning of the beta cycle that things would be
changed, but as time went on, more and more features were added without
correcting the problems or the design flaws that were revealed.

I really wish these guys had taken their time, worked part-time and
self-published instead of going with a publisher that has a history of awful
support and rushed games. The whole thing reeks of deadline pressure.

I don't think many of the people who buy this will be very happy with it,
but I've been wrong before."

"Sorry folks, but Supreme Ruler 2010 is definitely NOT targeted for a wide
audience and is in fact a very niche product due to the high learning curve.

Every one of us who played this were left with a sense of utter confusion
and I highly doubt they were able to iron out all the bugs. Heck, what do
you expect from a development team of 2 people.

I'd strongly recommend you download a demo first and then make up your mind.
If no demo is available, there is a reason for this, and it isn't a good

As with all games published by Strategy First, you can expect it to hit the
bargain bin as early as 6-8 weeks after release. Wait a little longer and
you'll be able to buy it as part of a 6-pack for 20 bucks"

"I pegged this for a vaporware title a couple years ago. The goals were
grandiose and the scale broad... I'm hoping that it really is done, and it's
not like one of Derek Smart's games that have everything and the kitchen
sink, but are buggy as heck."