My linksys befw11s4 won't hard reset to original settings


Did you actually do a full hard reset and test it? Here is what I mean:

Disable computer wireless, you will use a wired connection only.
Power down the router and computer.
Unplug the router from the wall.
Disconnect all cables from the router.
Plug in and power up the router and give it several minutes to fully boot.
Press and hold the reset button for 30 seconds, then release it, then let the router reset and reboot, again give it several minutes to fully boot.
Power down the router.
Connect one computer by an Ethernet cable to router LAN port 1.
Power up the router and allow it several minutes to fully boot.
Power up the computer.
Ping the router from the computer from the command prompt box by entering: ping and hit enter. Do you get a reply or a timed out request?
If the ping works, then access the router with your browser at If you reach the login page use blank for user ID, and admin in the password field. If you make it in check your firmware revision number and consider updating to the last available.

If you can't ping the router, it may be dead.

HERE is a good link on resetting routers.