Mage weapon and best weapon skill on same weapon ??



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"Jesus6666" <> wrote in message
> how does it work ?
I had one of these almost a year ago. I hated it.

What seemed to happen was, it determined what my best combat skill was
(swords, at the time), and then used my magery points instead of my
swordsmanship points when using it. I hated the stupid thing, because back
then, my character had just GM'd swords, but only had about 35 magery -
which meant that I suddenly started losing a LOT of fights!
After dying to the awe-inspiring gank team of a headless and a mongbat (the
shame!), I realised what was wrong, and sold it.

I suppose it might have been useful if my template had been the other way
around - GM mage, and low combat skills - but then it might have taken my
highest combat skill as the 'baseline', and just taken that many points from
my magery, instead of saying that my magery was my highest 'combat skill'...

Either way, I was glad to be rid of it. Some idiot bought it from my vendor
on Europa for about 200k. I hope it wasn't you! :)