Cybertron Landmine for Champions RPG.



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Here is my first of several conversions from the Transformers:
Cybertron TV series as characters for the Champions 4th edition RPG.

Consider it a work in progress, I'd appreciate feedback.

Landmine III for Champions (325+135)

"Doin' my duty." - Landmine III

Real name: Landmine III
Other known aliases: GC-09, Guardshell
Occupation: Battlefield Commander
Current group affiliation: Autobots
Rank: 8
Past group affiliations: None
Major enemies: Decepticons
First appearance: Transformers: Galaxy Force 1.05.
Description: Landmine III is a 20 foot tall yellow and black robot who
turns into an Earth-style payloader.


52 STR 17
20 DEX 30
24 CON 28
15 BODY 0
16 INT 6
20 EGO 20
20 PRE 10
10 COM 0
14 PD 9
14 ED 9
4 SPD 10
11 REC 2
50 END 1
43 STUN 2
Characteristics Cost: 144

Powers and Skills

10 EC (10),"Transformer powers"
32a) 14/14 Armor
27b) 5 LVLS Growth (stats already included),Always On(-1/2),0 END
Persistent(+1) 0
20c) 17" Running,1/2 END(+1/4) 2
7d) Shape Shift,"Bulldozer",Concentrate(-1/4),Cannot change form
if he takes over half BODY.(-1/4),0 END Persistent(+1) 0
19 Life Support,doesn't breathe,safe in vacuum/pressure,safe in
heat/cold,immune to aging
103 MP (206),OAF(-1)
4u 3D6 HKA,"Payloader",vs physical defense,Penetrating(+1/2),0
END(+1/2) 0
8u 6D6 HKA,"Tornado Cutter",Incantation(-1/4),0 END(+1/2),x1
Armor Piercing(+1/2) 0
8u 5D6 RKA,"Tornado Cutter",No Range(-1/2),Incantation(-1/4),
Area Effect(+1),cone,Double Knockback(+3/4),13-16 Charges(0) 0
8u 6D6 RKA (Fire),"High Power Laser Rifle",No Knockback(-1/4),
33-64 Charges(+1/2),x1 Armor Piercing(+1/2) 0
3 Radio XMIT/REC,OIF(-1/2)
6 +3" Running,"Wheels",x4 Non-Combat,has turn mode,OIF(-1/2),
Linked(-1/2),"to Shape Shift.",1/2 END(+1/4) 0
13 52 STR,1/2 END(+1/4) 0
3 Combat Driving 13-
30 6 Levels: with Weapons Multipower, punch and move through.,
related group
3 Navigation 11-
3 Survival 11-
7 Tactics 14-
2 WF,Small Arms

Powers Cost: 316
Total Cost: 460

Base Points: 325
15 Accidental Chg,"to robot form if stunned.",common,occur 11-
20 DNPC,"Humans in need of saving.",incompetent,appear 11-
10 Distinctive,"Giant Robot",easily concealable,major
15 Hunted,"By anti-Autobot forces.",as powerful,harsh,appear
5 Physical Lim,"No hands in vehicle form.",infrequently,
15 Psych Lim,"Loves to fight.",common,strong
15 Psych Lim,"Code vs. killing humans.",uncommon,total
15 Psych Lim,"Protective of friends.",very common,moderate
5 Rep,"Heroic alien robot.",occur 8-
10 Rivalry,"with with other warrior Autobots.",professional,PC
10 Watched,"By Autobot leaders.",more powerful,non-combat
influence,mild,appear 11-
Disadvantages Total: 135

Experience Spent: 0
Total Points: 460

Explanation of the conversion: This conversion is based on a
combination of Galaxy Force Guardshell and Cybertron Landmine. I used
highest of either's Tech Specs and watched the television series to add

History: With a wisdom born of experience, and a tactical knowledge
unmatched among the Autobot ranks, Landmine III is a soldier other
'bots follow without reservation. He suffered heavy injuries in the
final fight with Unicron. After a crash-landing on Earth, he was
repaired by the new human allies of the Autobots. An excellent
battlefield commander, he's determined to prevent the Decepticons from
gaining an edge by recovering the Earth Cyber Planet Key.

Landmine III was once good friends with the Autobot Mudflap, until this
friend left the Autobots to join the Decepticons. They have since
become bitter enemies. Landmine III was the first Autobot to make
contact with humans and has become good friends with several of them.

Trivia: Landmine III shouldn't be confused with the original Landmine,
an Autobot Pretender, or the second Landmine, a Transformers: Energon
Autobot construction vehicle.

Powers: Landmine III is strong, tough and a highly skilled fighter. He
carries a laser rifle, and his shovel can be used an a very effective
weapon in close combat. His vehicle mode is capable of obtaining speeds
of over 110mph. Force Chip Ignition adds a special Tornado Cutter and
Cyber Tempest to his arsenal.

Weaknesses: Landmine cannot fly.




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Mathew wrote...

> Trivia: Landmine III shouldn't be confused with the original Landmine,
> an Autobot Pretender, or the second Landmine, a Transformers: Energon
> Autobot construction vehicle.

I see no reason to think Energon Landmine and Cybertron Landmine aren't
the same guy. Though the Cybertron cartoon is ambiguous so far, as far
the toyline goes Cybertron is a story continuation in the same universe
as Armada and Energon.

Though not as obvious as Hot Shot, Red Alert, and Jetfire, a comparison
of the E-Landmine and C-Landmine's heads -- most especially the
chinstraps -- tells me that the Cybertron toy was indeed designed to be
the same character.



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I watch Galaxy Force. They are different. After all, Energon took place
20 years in the future, and if this is AFTER that, then why is it in
the present on Earth?



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Mathew wrote..
> I watch Galaxy Force. They are different.

Galaxy Force is a new continuity. It's Guardshell is a new character.

Cybertron isn't a new continuity. It's Landmine isn't a new character.

> After all, Energon took place 20 years in the future, and if this
> is AFTER that, then why is it in the present on Earth?

Nothing in the Cybertron cartoon has said what year it's taking place.

All of the toyline bios, story blurbs, and unlocked Cyber Key code info
on the website place Cybertron as happening post-Energon.

Although thus far nothing in the Cybertron dub has made a direct
connection to the Armada and Energon cartoons, and there are plenty of
unanswered questions about how and why circumstances changed between
Energon and Cybertron.

Still, as far as Hasbro's concerned, Cybertron is a sequel.



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Another bit of proof Cybertron isn't after Energon, but a parallel, the
Hasbro web site says Landmine was the guy who trught Optimus Prime to
fight, but in Energon it was Scavenger.



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Mathew wrote:
> Another bit of proof Cybertron isn't after Energon, but a parallel, the
> Hasbro web site says Landmine was the guy who trught Optimus Prime to
> fight, but in Energon it was Scavenger.

The same website also explicitly states that Cybertron Megatron is the
same guy from Armada and Energon.



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Yep, proving Hasbro is full of it. We cansay whatever we want. ;-)
