Asus Taichi Ultrabook/Tablet Combo


Apr 22, 2012
So pretty interesting stuff being revealed in the past few days. One I especially noticed was the Asus Taichi ultrabook/tablet combo.

As seen above we have a ultrabook with a touch screen on the lid allowing the machine to be used both as an ultrabook, a tablet and with dual screens. I can imagine this sort of machine being extremely useful for school purpose as well as in business scenarios. I really do hope that the screen inside is a touch screen as well. I haven't been able to confirm.

I see a lot of people stating that the design is dumb, but I overfall find that people in general tend to be too conservative when it comes to new concepts in electronics, but what do you think?


I got to play with an advance unit a month or two ago, and it is actually kind of cool IMO. While you'll certainly have to be careful about setting things on top of the unit, it does combine the best of both tablet and laptop worlds. It won't be for everyone, but then what product is? However, I could see a lot of interesting uses for it, like someone who does a lot of traveling to give presentations. You end up in a board room of some sort without a projector, or maybe that's on the blink, you can just use your Tai Chi's tablet screen. Not perfect, but better than nothing.