Why won't computer recognize any devices?


Sep 8, 2009

I just installed a new cpu and motherboard. When I started my computer it did not recognize any drive but the floppy. All it says is drive 0 not found or drive 1 not found. It asks me to press f1 to continue but I can't. I went into setup and set all the drives to auto but then it shows unknown device. All cables as far as I know are correct. The red stripe on the drives all face the red wire of the power connecters. I have no clue whats going on. If it would not just recognize one I would suspect a bad drive but to recognize no hard drive and no cd rom drives (which I have 2) has me confused. Please, any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!



Are you saying that it does not recognize the keyboard or mouse either?

I was going to suggest checking the BIOS settings - and maybe setting them to default. But if you can't access the BIOS that obviously is not possible. You might try removing the mobo battery to see if that resets them - longshot but don't have much else until you report equipment.

Have you tried disconnecting all the drives and seeing if the keyboard works? After that just the one drive you intend to install OS on? Especially disconnect the floppy drive and and USB devices and see if it will recognize just the keyboard, then mouse and one HD.

Another longshot - PSU has has problem with 5v power only. Never heard of this happening - just brainstorming here. Is there another PSU you can try to rule this out? If you don't have one handy might wait on this until other things considered after you report equipment.

Also please report exactly what happens during boot. I am assuming the heatsink and case fans all work. Did you hear any beeps (do you have a mobo or case speaker?)?