Please help - Buying Desktop for Dad


Dec 10, 2009
Hello everyone,

I am looking to purchase a desktop computer for the old man for Christmas. I don't have a very large budget (around $500 would be the limit) but I am hoping to get a decent computer around that price.

He generally uses the computer to surf the web and watch online videos, but also likes to do some gaming such as Battlefield (He doesn't do too much but I think that is because our computer is so old and cannot run any games).

If someone could recommend some computers for around that price range that would be awesome. I have been checking out Dell's site, but then realized I could probably get a better deal somewhere else by not having to pay for the Dell brand name.

Thanks and I really appreciate the help.


Dec 10, 2009
Just the tower, we have a decent monitor and keyboard, etc.

I have always wanted to try and build one, but school and such currently does not allow me to dedicate the time to build one. But one day, in the future, I definitely will try (my lack of computer knowledge will also be a barrier).



Afford's recommendation is a good one. However I do have one little concern - I have no idea what size power supply it has. I spent 15 minutes searching the Lenova site and still could not find it. They just don't seem to care to list that information - or the standard full specifications list.

You also might want to read this thread that just recently addressed buying a $500 to $550 computer - a lot of the discussion and recommendations are relevant. It also specifcally discusses the power supply issue.
rockyjohn brings up a good point. It doesn't take much to push that 4670, but OEM builders like to go cheap on the PSU.

The good thing is, the 4670 doesn't require any PCIe power connector. And if the PSU is 300w - 350w, it should be fine with that card. If it isn't, it can be upgraded for ~ $40.

It's definitly a good idea to check local stores for good deals. It'll avoid any shipping costs (though, the above linked system is free shipping :) )


Dec 10, 2009
Awesome, thanks for the info.

I will start hunting the local stores to try and find some deals - the info on the power supply was very helpful - I never check on those.


Dec 10, 2009
Well, I ended up getting him a dell. . .not because it was the greatest or anything. . .but he is one of those guys that is passionate about certain brands.

But I have another question if someone wants to help me :D

I need to get an external hard drive because im running out of room on my laptop - so the question is:

What do I look for / what should i stay away from in external hard drives.

I do already know about Fire wire is faster than USB, but that is about it.
