
May 30, 2010

I have just disassembled and put my laptop (8930G, Acer Aspire) back together, in search of the reason behind a faulty charging connection.

I believe I have found it - in the power jack component where the cable enters into the DC-IN slot from the power pack connected to the mains.

The needle in the laptop socket is loose - caused by the piece of rubber(?) that is holding it being broken clean in half.

Also, there seems to be a loose wire in this region - two sets of wire are present, one connected whilst the other isn't.

I'm don't know the piece names (if you hadn't guessed), so am unsure what I am looking for - or even if it is there to be bought.

Any advice?

ps - I took a picture whilst investigating this particular part, so I can show if necessary. It would probably help.