Where Can I Buy A Good Desk/Chair For Gaming

Computer n00b

Dec 20, 2009
I am tired of my old desk messing up my neck and I need a new one. Can anyone recommend a computer desk they have had experience with that is good and a chair hats good for gaming. I don't want any of those really expensive desks and chairs but can anyone recommend a generic one that is good. Also, a website that sells stuff like gaming desks or chairs would be appreciated. Any comments are appreciated.

-Computer n00b
For a desk i recommend Ikea which sells a solid steel model that's affordable.
I think it's called a Frederick.
I have an older model and it will probably last a lifetime.
I haved moved 3 times with it no problems try doing that with a particle board desk once i guarantee you'll have damage and i hate those cam lock things.
For a chair i would recommend you shop for them in person.
I'm a taller person and alot of chairs aren't designed for tall people.