Searching (for text) within Zip FIles


Dec 8, 2009
A former thread was closed, so i could not post this there. But i have a solution for those who are wishing to Search (for text strings) within Zip Files

A true solution within Windows still does not exist in reference to searching for text strings within a zip file. You can find a filename if you know it.

But if you're like me, and you are an admin who is using zipping to archive up logs, but then must occasionally go back and search within those logs for text strings, the Windows Search function does not help you.

I have found a workable workaround however.

Simply download and install WinRAR, and then follow the instructions found in that link to search within (even nested zips) for text strings in order to find the correct file you are looking for to open.

Et Voila! :D

Or use Linux/Cygwin to gzip them and use zcat <file> | grep <string>