New Gaming PC Advice


May 21, 2011
Just to start, this might be in the wrong section, apologies if it is! The sub section is also wrong as im refering to a custom build but there was no option.

I had planned to build my own system but after looking on ebay, the prices seem really good, I priced parts myself and im coming up with it being quite a bit more expensive, so looking toward buying one there, was just looking another opinion before buying.

This is the computer im looking at:

The main area im unsure about is the graphics card. It will be mostly for playing wow, my monitor is a 22" 720 p screen, so nothing major, ill be happy running on moderate settings providing I get good performance even in the more graphically intense area's.

Will this be capable, if not what parts of it should I look to upgrade?
The computer looks like it has good specs. As far as eBay is concerned, 'Caveat Emptor!'

Here is more info on the Graphics card:,or.r_gc.r_pw.&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=9116370145731215377&sa=X&ei=Az7cTeiAOMbu-gbggKGnDw&sqi=2&ved=0CDQQ8gIwAg&biw=1399&bih=770#

This is an average performance card.

Regarding upgrades. This will depend on the motherboard's capabilities.

If you are comfortable with the idea of building your own, you can do some reading and research, and pick a set of components to start. Then post your choices in the "New Builds" section and invite suggestions.

Just today, Intel launched their new 'Sandy Bridge architecture' Pentium chips. Pentium G620T, G620, G840, and G850.
More info: