Unlocking Palomino


Jan 21, 2003
Hi everybody!
This is my first post on Tom's forums, i must say it's a very interesting site, my favorite, actually!
Now with my problem:
I read the article about unlocking the Palomino CPU multiplier, also downloaded the THG video. I used the Highspeedpc kit (at www.highspeedpc.com) to do everything, followed the instructions there and must say did everything quiet neatly, no probs at all, but in the end, nothing happened. I mean, i changed the multiplier, Vcore and Vram, but it still says i got an XP1600+ (my CPU). When i change the multiplier from 10.5 to 11, 12, 12.5/13 nothing happens, it recognizes an XP1600+, whereas with all other options the pc won't boot and I have to reset BIOS. Can anyone tell me what might be the problem here? I got an MSI KT3Ultra, so shouldn't have probs with changing multiplier etc.
thanks for your time


Just A World That We All Must Share,
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Nov 16, 2002
i'm afraid the only answer is that you didn't quite get it right.i can tell you i tried and failed a couple of times with my xp 2000 but you will get it right eventually.you can't see the damn thing to tell if it's done properly.just clean it all off with some acetone or something and start again.

no matter how hard you try, you can't polish a turd. :]