HP create a Booklet on computer



I need to create a booklet (handout) for a family reunion. It may have many pages. I will use a half fold type on typing paper. I do not know how to arrange my data to be on the correct pages for print out.

Can you assist me.

Also is this free?
O yes, this is a free site. Welcome BTW;). Anyways, what sort of HP printer do you have? Usually, you'll want to print out the odd pages first and then insert the pages upside down into the printer again for the even pages. It may require a bit of testing to get it right, but otherwise than that, it shouldn't be too hard.
Your word processing software should have all the options you need. Just look through it's options for page formatting, it will configure the page layout for booklets for you. Every software I have seen has this type of option.

Found a guy that has created some of his own templates for booklets, you can download them in a .zip file from this page http://rickyspears.com/blog/2005/05/booklet-templates/