Not Intel Inside


Nov 6, 2003
Intel and its corporate cronies are a bunch of Lying Dogs in just about all the PR information they either spew-out as total lies to the rest of the corporate population or they let leak out the back door from the proverbial back end of the dog.

I take no joy in pointing out this fact as I have just read so many articles from Tom's as well as 3 or 4 other web sites that do not condone Intel's Business ethics.

If a an individual abused his personnel ethics in any job any place in the world as Intel has with it's peers that person would be fired on the spot.

I for one respect Honesty and I have suffered because of it, but that is as they say is part of the reason we respect something because it is hard to achieve and attain.

Intel has neither achieved this nor will they maintain it again for many years. Nortel Networks is a perfect example of how a company can ruin it's self through back door politics and white washing of funds as well as Corporate leaders selling stock out the back door before the barn gets to hot to save the cows.

Honesty is not what anyone would think, as it is lined with more loop holes then a ring toss board swinging in a strong breeze at the county fair. I for one will however not let Intel blow anymore B.S up my computer cases, even if they make it look like Royal B.S.

Mutiny is afoot Watson and it is high time we hang the offending Captain from his own main mast and let the crew save the ship!!

Barton 3200+ 400MHz
A7N8X Deluxe
Liquid 12 Celsius
2x512 Crucial DDR 400 PC3200
GeForce FX5900
Two Maxtor 40Gig 8MB cach 7200rpm
SONY RW 52x/24x/52x
SONY DVD 16x/40x


What do you expect when they hired Bill Clinton as head of PR. :lol:

ABIT IS7, P4 2.6C, 512MB Corsair TwinX PC3200LL, Radeon 9800 Pro, Santa Cruz, TruePower 430watt


Nov 6, 2003
Yes but Bill used the AMD Model and got in trouble for using that models oral skills. This of course led him back to the Intel Model because they have a way of thwarting the truth so it looks better then the stains on the package.

Saying all that makes me realize you don't need to buy AMD a sexy package to get results, but don't look at Intel and expect any real satisfaction as they will flinch facial muscles at the crucial moment of truth and leave you wanting.

Barton 3200+ 400MHz
A7N8X Deluxe
Liquid 12 Celsius
2x512 Crucial DDR 400 PC3200
GeForce FX5900
Two Maxtor 40Gig 8MB cach 7200rpm
SONY RW 52x/24x/52x
SONY DVD 16x/40x


Nov 6, 2003
AMD never had to lie about anything and Intel never had to either until AMD made and currently sells a 64 CPU and Intel has started lying through their teeth publicly and been caught by the industry as lying.

AMD has for prior years always been an underdog to Intel in CPU development and have steadily and honestly worked their gear up to respectable levels but Intel should have been prepared for AMD to make a technological leap at some point and been prepared to deal with it as a professional company but they did not, Intel has started to lie through their teeth in PR and in corporate disclosures that turn out to be completely false. As every web page on the internet is pointing out.

Even if both companies in the past played the PR game in their own favour as little white lies Intel has cut it's own head of by talking right through their hat to cover up the fact that they don't have a 64 CPU technology available for the desktop or work station. All they managed to do since AMD released their big gun is Modify existing Intel CPU's to favour GHz but not Bit's Intel is stuck they know it and we know it.

Besides Groveling_Wyrm it is a typical reaction from some one like you that doesn't LIKE something to Slander someone else who to this point is completely innocent of any crime to direct the fault away from who is in fact lying and that player is Intel not AMD.

In fact AMD has exceeded all expectations by their fans to the point of ecstasy, and Intel has let their fans down so hard they don't know how to cope with it and have pretty much shut all their pie holes this last few months as they have no good news to report at all accept that they are being foiled at in accurate speculation and lies generated by Intel and fans that have no Big gun to bring out in response to AMD's new Banger.

Barton 3200+ 400MHz
A7N8X Deluxe
Liquid 12 Celsius
2x512 Crucial DDR 400 PC3200
GeForce FX5900
Two Maxtor 40Gig 8MB cach 7200rpm
SONY RW 52x/24x/52x
SONY DVD 16x/40x


Nov 24, 2003
AMD let me down with locking their multipliers and if they could produce the same chip for notebooks that requires less voltage and heat, then why didn't they do that with the rest of their desktop systems. People are getting near 3ghz with some of those notebook chips. That pisses me off that they couldn't include their prescious energy saving into their desktop cpu's.

<A HREF="" target="_new"></A>
Figured i'd do it too..reality my ass.


Nov 6, 2003
AMD never claimed that they could run as fast as Intel but they were nice enough early on in the development of the XP line of CPU's to leave them unlocked so we as users could risk overclocking to achieve better GHz.

They have exceeded all expectations of any AMD fan by developing and marketing the new AMD64 CPU's and we hardly need to bother overclocking those.

In fact with the 64 bit technology you could to date in computer history use every single piece of computer memory ever made (theoretically compatible) and the New AMD cpu's would be able to utilize every bit of it.

The reason they started to lock off the latest XP cpu's is obvious and very practical if you think about it. AMD is still a company that would like to grow and prosper and by doing this they can provide us with even better CPU's in the very close future. However if all the XP 2500+ and above CPU's can be run in the 3000+ range then many people will not upgrade tot he new AMD64's and they would like us to invest in both the new CPU and the company by doing it. This will directly profit us in new CPU technology that AMD can sooner rather then later provide us.

As you say they might have let you down slightly by locking up the ate releases of the XP chips but as we can both understand we can only profit greater windfalls and returns as users later on from AMD.

Barton 3200+ 400MHz
A7N8X Deluxe
Liquid 12 Celsius
2x512 Crucial DDR 400 PC3200
GeForce FX5900
Two Maxtor 40Gig 8MB cach 7200rpm
SONY RW 52x/24x/52x
SONY DVD 16x/40x


Jan 6, 2004
Sodnighthawk, speaking of bad PR. How do you feel about AMD's PR ratings? Accurate or truthful? How can an A64 3000+ be slower than a Athlon 3200+? when the truth is it's faster! Intel uses real measurement in speed that is cpu frequency. It's more tangible than PR ratings and is straight foward on performance too. two things to look for in cpu performance, cache size, and clock frequency. look at a 2.8ghz celeron with 128k L2. Then look a 2.8 P4 with 512kb cache. it's honest to me.

<b><i>1024MB-P4 2.8B-RADEON 9500PRO</b></i>
<A HREF="" target="_new">29,618 Aquamarks</A>#1 in class!


Feb 21, 2004
Um I have read this over 3 times and still don’t understand what you are talking about. Just for sh@ts and giggles could you please re-verse what you are trying to get at?



Nov 6, 2003
I understand what you mean but comparing a A64 3000+ that has a 1 MB Cache to a XP 32 bit processor that has a 512 KB cache is simply not worth discussing.

You also start to quote some Intel spec's that are valid in them selves but totally out dated compared to the new 64 AMD cpu's.

At this point bringing up any Intel spec is totally irrelevant as Intel does not have a 64 bit CPU for desktop/workstation use let alone notebook.

AMD have never claimed speed bench's over their XP line when discussing the new 64 CPU's because it is understood that any previous CPU at 32 bit is not even in the same technological league.

You can produce higher MHz and run systems at amazing speeds but the 64's with operating systems supporting them will bounce any 32 bit cpu out the back door its simply a fact.

I said before that Intel holds their ground hiding behind Microsoft because as long as Microsoft has not provided a valid 64 bit Operating system Intel can get under the covers and pretend AMD is not around. However I have also said that the Japanese and the Chinese are a very technologically advanced people and they hunger for the advancements in Micro Technology. It is the way they love numbers and are so very good at logical thought and application that will force them to design a Valid Operating system to support the new 64 bit technology.

I would not be guessing to hard if I stated that they could draft and implement a 64 bit Windowed Operating System in less then a year and have it in the market. I would also bet money that they can produce an OS that beats anything M$ can accomplish and that does not crash run poorly or need to be constantly repaired or updated to the point of frustration.

They simply would not expect anything less from them selves they are a very bright and independent thinking people who cherish the sciences and furthering the gaols of mankind's ability's. It is common knowledge that the Japanese way of thinking drive them to oblivion or the greater understanding of things through religion and spirit of body.

I respect the culture and if you think about it since the last ice age or WWII their way of thinking has created technological advancements in astonishing fields of human endeavour. If you want to cut to the chase you could imagine that they contribute to mankind's progress where other cultures religions are contrary and destructive to mankind.

I am a white Scotsman that has worked in the electronics industry for over 20 years and worked closely with Oriental people in a safe prosperous environment as Canada they are a very loving and respectful people given the chance to live in peace and contribute in ways that any sentient rational person would want to be thought of.

They will provide the fuel through their own desire of soul to pursue technology as technology is the root to self understanding and achievement that they hunger for in every day life.

Barton 3200+ 400MHz
A7N8X Deluxe
Liquid 12 Celsius
2x512 Crucial DDR 400 PC3200
GeForce FX5900
Two Maxtor 40Gig 8MB cach 7200rpm
SONY RW 52x/24x/52x
SONY DVD 16x/40x<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by SoDNighthawk on 02/21/04 10:56 PM.</EM></FONT></P>


Nov 24, 2003
Although i'm not truely disappointed, just trying to give another side of things.. then we have kanavit answer :).

But how do you feel about this notebook athlon xp m chip?
If they could use a technology to help keep the temps down on the chip then why not use that on all of 'em? I know intel does the same thing with their centrino's. So that's a reason why i'm not truely disappoited, not to mention i do hope AMD can start gaining it's only better for business.

<A HREF="" target="_new"></A>
Figured i'd do it too..reality my ass.


Nov 24, 2003
I definately agree with you on the oriental designing an operating system in even under a year. I wouldn't doubt if it was to happen, but they still have to compete with a M$ giant which i say wouldn't do to good, because people feel safe in microsoft arms.
And from what i hear, SuSe linux is easy and god like to use. But nobody's on that bandwagon.
As it's on everyones head and tip of the iceberg, there is no real use for a 64bit cpu now. And there prolly wont be for awhile.
Not that there is no use, but there is no applications. But who knows hopefully AMD will spark a small flare in the real start of 64bit applications.
I know i can't wait for 64bit video games. I would buy an amd64 only becuase i've seen some peoples oc to 2800 on 'em and i know they are awesome on video games.

<A HREF="" target="_new"></A>
Figured i'd do it too..reality my ass.


Nov 6, 2003
You have real nice scores there Johan but they are from back in January have you not done any new ones lately ?

The way they power handle Note Book computers is yes very different then a regular P.C you even need a different Ticket as a serviceman to repair lap tops.

Your Operating system and the way the BIOS works in a Lap-Top determines power consumption and CPU Usage. Most lap tops have all the power saving options in the OS set-up to conserve power from everything from fan's to CPU load and voltage use in the BIOS set-up.

If you for example took a regular P.C and set all the power saving options in the operating system fully on and had the cpu set to stock speeds and voltages + had the BIOS set to conserve power levels and to handle Fan RPM's etc along with sleep mode and timers your home P.C would run much more cool as well.

However I have had more then one Lap-Top running graphics programs that keep your knees toasty warm regardless of how they are configured.

This brings you back to the heat sink they drop into these things in most cases and many that I have worked on they have a half pound of aluminium in them bolted to the CPU to dissipate heat along with exhaust fans to vent and carry the heat out of the notebook.

Not much has changed since IBM did this many years ago a big block of aluminium is still one of the most efficient ways to cool electronics in many different applications.

Barton 3200+ 400MHz
A7N8X Deluxe
Liquid 12 Celsius
2x512 Crucial DDR 400 PC3200
GeForce FX5900
Two Maxtor 40Gig 8MB cach 7200rpm
SONY RW 52x/24x/52x
SONY DVD 16x/40x


May 19, 2001
understand what you mean but comparing a A64 3000+ that has a 1 MB Cache to a XP 32 bit processor that has a 512 KB cache is simply not worth discussing.

SO A64 3000 is not a K8

Just to show dad


Sep 15, 2003
SO A64 3000 is not a K8


is not an amdxp a k7 or am I missing something here.

If I glanced at a spilt box of tooth picks on the floor, could I tell you how many are in the pile. Not a chance, But then again I don't have to buy my underware at Kmart.


Sep 15, 2003
Juin I know your english is limited and you are doing better than me cause I only speak 1 language. but what does "Just to show dad" translate into what does that mean?

If I glanced at a spilt box of tooth picks on the floor, could I tell you how many are in the pile. Not a chance, But then again I don't have to buy my underware at Kmart.


May 19, 2001
My sig come from anime immoral sisters.

Accordint to previus poster on Pr rating cache size sould make the chip and i have quote.1MB L2 cache CPU sould not be compare to 512 KB while we do it newcastle NW.I just put thing to extreme that the only way to make those think.

Just to show dad


Sep 15, 2003
Anime is that not some kind of Japanese porn? Immoral sisters is that not even more twisted? And just what are they showing their daddy anyway?

I read the rest of your post but really could not figure it out. I'm assuming you are kidding cause the a64 3000 is a k8.

If I glanced at a spilt box of tooth picks on the floor, could I tell you how many are in the pile. Not a chance, But then again I don't have to buy my underware at Kmart.


May 19, 2001
Yes you right on the anime but the manga industrie.

Yes 3000+ is a K8 i was just make them remeber that K8 have also 512KB in 50% of time.Cache size dont make CPU performance.

Just to show dad


Nov 6, 2003
We have a player on the Frenchy's .Pit Game server that we play Day Of Defeat on and he is running a AMD 64 and he is totally dominating the game he used to be a good player but now he's playing like a god he cant get over it himself either he always comments on the Mic channel that his crosshairs come up faster going from a soldiers prone position to standing or lying back down and he is able to fire that much quicker and all other relevant mobility parts of the game.

As most of us have high speed internet and nice graphics cards the only change for him is the CPU he is running.

I personally am ranked 17th out of 2000 players and when our friend gets on the German/Axis team I have to play with my head up in order to prevent him from dominating me.

That is hard to do to either avoid him or kill him in the game and have to worry about the server having 32 players in it all trying to kill each other. But whatever team he is on you can bet he improves the likely hood of that team capping all the flags first and winning the matches.

I see him move in game and he looks real good and I am slightly envious of him at this point. However he is still ranked 50th over all and I still regard my heads up play as the reason for maintaining my rankings.

Given time he will improve his skills along with that AMD 64 he's running but at this point the chip has taken him from an average to moderate player into a new level of game play.

Barton 3200+ 400MHz
A7N8X Deluxe
Liquid 12 Celsius
2x512 Crucial DDR 400 PC3200
GeForce FX5900
Two Maxtor 40Gig 8MB cach 7200rpm
SONY RW 52x/24x/52x
SONY DVD 16x/40x


Nov 6, 2003
Damn Darko don't go there I just posted a 8 paragraph exploit on how much I appreciate the Japanese philosophy's of life and how talented they are in electronics design, however I forgot about Anime and I kinda regard that as kiddie porn for weirdoes. The one downfall of the Oriental brain is they regard sex so much more openly then Westerners do and cant see how wrong it is to pursue the young in mental espionage.

As Westerners we understand that a person of adequate age is required for such visus and we throw the pedophiles in jail in our country's.

Barton 3200+ 400MHz
A7N8X Deluxe
Liquid 12 Celsius
2x512 Crucial DDR 400 PC3200
GeForce FX5900
Two Maxtor 40Gig 8MB cach 7200rpm
SONY RW 52x/24x/52x
SONY DVD 16x/40x


Nov 24, 2003
Yea i actually did do a newer one i just changed the sig a bit. not much of a difference though. If i get a cooler for my video card i'll prolly go for a 43k mark.

<A HREF="" target="_new"></A>
Figured i'd do it too..reality my ass.


Jan 4, 2004
First off before I get flamed, I currently own a P4 system, and I have had 3 different AMD system in my life. Including the XP's.

In regards to the 64 bit OS from MS, it's still in working stages, if you really want it you can get the beta version of it which is out. As well, with any OS that is large in size and function you'll run into bugs down the road. You want fancy stuff in your OS, your going to run into problems. No matter who makes it. Though I do admire Asians in a great deal as well. I don't think they could make a problem free OS. No one can. What is made by humans, will always have problems. Plus hackers/crackers to break code and do damage to an OS or have fun with it. I'm personally not the biggest fan of MS, but they sure do make a better OS then I could ever make.

I'll agree AMD did do a great job/leap with there 64/32 bit CPU. But I will not touch it, to $$$ for my taste and no Hardware or software to fully support it unless you want to get into the server market. AMD is trying to aim to gamers saying it's the leap in the future(And there are many AD's in gamer mag that prove it). They are correct to a point. But very wrong. They say game makers are backing they up. I haven't heard of to many. No money it for them. Let's just say there are close to 1000 64 AMD sold in NA(Maybe way off, but I don't know anyone where I live that wants to shell out over $1000 CAN, when they can get the Intel newest 3.2GHz E for under $500 CAN and keep there current MB or newer one for under $370 CAN, or in AMD's case Barton 3200 XP for just over $300 CAN). Selling 1000 games just for that CPU will not make them any money at all, maybe just break easy for the cost of putting it onto CD's. Anyway you look at it, gamers are the biggest market for PC's.

Prefect example of this, is with Star Wars 1. George Lucas wouldn't release the DVD version of the movie until at least 1 million DVD players were sold in NA. Which in away was a great marketing, but really if you wanted the movie that bad you would have bought it on VHS when it first came to video anyways.

I fully agree 64 bit CPU's will have there time in the future, but not for another 2 years at least until it get's even close to getting into the main stream for home and workstation PC's.

I fully admit I've bad mouthed AMD users, and I've had it come back at me since I use Intel only now( But I don't take it personal, after all it's just a CPU). But, and a big but, I still build AMD system for customers, but before I do I always explain the down sides of both CPU's and the upside's. I never sell a system to customer without them knowing a 100% what they want and they know what other systems are out there for them and there needs.
I have ran into my fare share of AMD hardcore's. And I must say it's like trying to talk to someone that is closed minded. They think they are always right and don't want to hear anyone's else's point of view. Have a few friend like that and it's just funny as all h$$l to watch them get all fired up over a simple thing as a CPU.