Two Notebook Cooler Video Reviews [Zalman & Cooler Master]

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May 11, 2010
I'd like to share with you folks these video reviews on two cost-friendly and effective notebook coolers. I received these on two different dates so the tests are not similar. Note to Moderators: Administrator has allowed me to post Youtube videos.

Zalman ZM-NC1500 Ultra Quiet Notebook Cooler
This is the detailed review of the cooler, including its features and cooling performance during system idle and before and after gaming. The Zalman ZM-NC1500 is a well-constructed notebook cooler that just works. It does an amazing job of cooling, using its aluminum frame and two centrifugal fans. Although it does a great job of evenly dispersing cool air, it is limited by the position of its cooling pad. I recommend getting this cooler but make sure your laptops intakes matches the position of the Zalmans cooling area. Those with laptops which have intake vents placed right over the coolers holes will see much lower temps, than those who dont.


Cooler Master Notepal U2 Notebook Cooler
With its aluminum mesh design and positionable dual fans, this notebook cooler can deliver promising results. It's also very lightweight and designed to be portable. Please watch my video review to see how well it performs on a 15" laptop, complete with temperature tests, with and without the cooler during idle and before and after gaming. The video will also show the detailed review of this notebook cooler.

Hope these reviews were helpful!
I've always found notebook coolers to be a waste of money, as they really do not cool things down to the point where they are worth spending any money on, i.e. a couple of degrees just isn't worth it. It's far cheaper just to use the laptop on a flat, hard surface like a book or a table.


May 11, 2010

Those few degrees could be the difference between the GPU's heat threshold, overheating and random laptop shut downs. These increases the laptop's overall life span. People have different experiences with laptop coolers but it does help a lot even if its just a few degrees. Reading other users' product reviews only shows that coolers help in many situations. Be it the laptop's intake is just dusty and the owner doesn't know this, the laptop's intake fans are broken, they leave it on all day long, they live in a hot temp area, or it blatantly just gets hot. You can't argue with results.

The reviewed Zalman cooler is around $35, while the Cooler Master is $20. The common misconception is that the most expensive ones are the best and the point of my reviews is to show that it's not.


Nov 13, 2008
my gosh people became so stupid they post reviews just about anything, coolers are a waste of money, how the hell do u expect air to go inside the laptop if the the bottom of the laptop has no holes. cooling works via cool air in to hot air out
and the only way it works is by cool air entering from the side not from the bottom
who ever make these coolers must change the title name to rather "notebook raiser with couple of fans that dont do much"


May 11, 2010

I don't see the need for this manner, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that it isn't just a random rant. First of all, with the exception of the Apple laptops, most, if not, all laptops have bottom intakes. If the sides have holes, that's a vent that blows out hot air. Any other holes are plugs or connectors. Sorry to talk down to you, I can't help it; your post urges me to. Secondly, not all laptop coolers are the same. If you had bad a experience with one or two, don't judge the whole lot by this experience. And lastly, no one is forcing you to buy these.

I know you're entitled to your own objections and personal comments but, instead of a rant, I urge you to make a respectable post showing a constructive criticism of the product besides "people are stupid". I personally did not take your post seriously as soon as I read the first few words. You can be a helpful critic and still mind your manners, ya know. Have a good one.


Nov 28, 2008
I agree with JMTech here. If you live in an extremely hot country, you'll want to thank God for a notebook cooler. Without it, you'll feel a minor burning sensation when you lay your fingers on your notebook.


May 13, 2010
Thanks JMtech i subbed to your youtube, i've also got another question, do you think the Zalman notebook cooler 200 is good? i dont really care about price, i just want to know what the best cooler is, im not bothered about sound either, just after preformance.


May 11, 2010

Do you mean the Zalman NC2000?
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