
Aug 4, 2004
Hey everyone!

Sorry if this question has been asked before, but I'm fairly new to the CPU world. I'm planning on buying a laptop within the next few weeks and I've started doing my research today. I saw that I can get a laptop with a P4 CPU or one that is powered by Centrino Technology. The P4s are much cheaper, and from what I hear, the main advantage is that Centrino is more efficient, has better battery life, produces less heat, and other things along those lines. Does anyone know where I can find a direct comparison between the two?

Furthermore, if I don't mind short battery life, should I just go for the P4?



Former Staff
Pentium-M 1.8 is about equal to a P4-M 2.6, but with half the power consumption/heat output. Now that the 2.0GHz Dothans are out, you can really get a wild CPU for your lappy without weighing it down with extra cooling and a super large battery.

Centrino is a package that includes the the Pentium-M, chipset, and a mediocre wireless solution. If you can find Pentium-M lappies without the Centrino label you'll probably get more for your money.

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