Gottlieb Prototype's - Starting with Devil's Dare



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Everyone get out your dictionary, read prototype & conversion.
Now for some more information before you jump in please have a look at
the following:
1. I wanted to do prototype from ground up, complete but this wasn't
realistic for many reasons. Steve Young said a number of parts not
available, & he would probably give thumbs down on cabinet.
2. Steve Young & Robert Fesjian, are the holders of the Gottlieb Name,
& will protect that name. So as I have agreed that they have final say,
if the product has Gottlieb name & branding. If it does probably a
percentage of gross will be paid.
3.From the begining the word "prototype" has been used for any
different art package, new light lenses, commercial graphics film, etc.
for new different playfield using existing parts. I said last night
that if Steve or Robert, tell me this isn't correct for what's being
done, it's gone. "Conversion Kit"
4.Since there is no Gottlieb Pinball Production, Design Work, etc.,
maybe they are a little more liberal on the word "prototype", & don't
see such a big deal if it allows something new to come forward.


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The Experts have not spoken, its hard to start anything up, so how
about cutting me some slack. I don't have any Gottlieb pinballs laying
around, except for Asteroid Annie, which is a wornout one player,
hacked & burned up. Maybe some will remember the choice words used to
threaten my well being, I took it as a joke from them. I hate to harp
on about this but I am still looking for interested persons, if not
only 3 are going to be made. Alot of people complaining about the lack
of new playfields, other parts, I wonder why? I asked those in charge
about Gottlieb, they talked, gave the go ahead, waiting to see
playfield like everyone else. I am willing to play by the rules, bring
something new, possibly conversion kit, if they aren't happy, end of
story. Then everyone can purge me from rgp, Silverball News, etc.
because there will be no Gottlieb Prototypes.


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Dude. We don't like you anymore. If you want another shot, stop
posting for about 3 weeks, come back then with something to show, and
perhaps most will have forgotten the ass you made of yourself this time


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Perhaps you guys can cut me some slack, I will be spending my next
number of weeks on art, some people on this group like to trash
everything, & some give support, thanks to those. If the experts Robert
& Steve, tell me conversion is the word for this Gottlieb venture so be
it, if not "Prototype" will be continued to be used. So far most of the
people complaining aren't interested in this anyway, so if you see my
name why don't you just move on. Chris Lyon I don't want to annoy you,
I see you are trying to help others in this hobby, but I can't get this
going without finding out interest & trying the first one, so that's
why all the posting. I will post nothing new until Sept. 30 how's that,
but I will continue respond to last 2 days threads if active. Anyone
still confused please email me,


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What I really dont understand is why you want it to be "Gottlieb"
Branded/licensed? I mean, adding the "Gottlieb" name to your product
doesnt really add anything as for people wanting to buy it...

People will buy it if it is good, not if it has the "Gottlieb" name on


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Just incase you don't know I work 48 hours/ 6 days a week at my City
Job, every 5 minutes is a bit much don't you think. I started with
Gottlieb, will work towards license agreement since this is to be used
on those games.


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I can't see how you are making anything, prototype or not ,when you
are posting every 5 minutes on RGP.

You would be better off building one & posting some pictures of your
final product.

If people like what you produce, they might request to have some of
their old games redone or prototyped... converted.

On 4 Sep 2005 12:39:39 -0700, wrote:

>Everyone get out your dictionary, read prototype & conversion.
>Now for some more information before you jump in please have a look at
>the following:
>1. I wanted to do prototype from ground up, complete but this wasn't
>realistic for many reasons. Steve Young said a number of parts not
>available, & he would probably give thumbs down on cabinet.
>2. Steve Young & Robert Fesjian, are the holders of the Gottlieb Name,
>& will protect that name. So as I have agreed that they have final say,
>if the product has Gottlieb name & branding. If it does probably a
>percentage of gross will be paid.
>3.From the begining the word "prototype" has been used for any
>different art package, new light lenses, commercial graphics film, etc.
>for new different playfield using existing parts. I said last night
>that if Steve or Robert, tell me this isn't correct for what's being
>done, it's gone. "Conversion Kit"
>4.Since there is no Gottlieb Pinball Production, Design Work, etc.,
>maybe they are a little more liberal on the word "prototype", & don't
>see such a big deal if it allows something new to come forward.


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MY GOD, please stop.

Build one. Show pictures. See interest. End of story.

<> wrote in message
> Everyone get out your dictionary, read prototype & conversion.
> Now for some more information before you jump in please have a look at
> the following:
> 1. I wanted to do prototype from ground up, complete but this wasn't
> realistic for many reasons. Steve Young said a number of parts not
> available, & he would probably give thumbs down on cabinet.
> 2. Steve Young & Robert Fesjian, are the holders of the Gottlieb Name,
> & will protect that name. So as I have agreed that they have final say,
> if the product has Gottlieb name & branding. If it does probably a
> percentage of gross will be paid.
> 3.From the begining the word "prototype" has been used for any
> different art package, new light lenses, commercial graphics film, etc.
> for new different playfield using existing parts. I said last night
> that if Steve or Robert, tell me this isn't correct for what's being
> done, it's gone. "Conversion Kit"
> 4.Since there is no Gottlieb Pinball Production, Design Work, etc.,
> maybe they are a little more liberal on the word "prototype", & don't
> see such a big deal if it allows something new to come forward.


Archived from groups: (More info?) wrote in news:1125876929.857130.323850

> Perhaps you guys can cut me some slack, I will be spending my next
> number of weeks on art, some people on this group like to trash
> everything, & some give support, thanks to those. If the experts Robert
> & Steve, tell me conversion is the word for this Gottlieb venture so be
> it, if not "Prototype" will be continued to be used. So far most of the
> people complaining aren't interested in this anyway, so if you see my
> name why don't you just move on. Chris Lyon I don't want to annoy you,
> I see you are trying to help others in this hobby, but I can't get this
> going without finding out interest & trying the first one, so that's
> why all the posting. I will post nothing new until Sept. 30 how's that,
> but I will continue respond to last 2 days threads if active. Anyone
> still confused please email me,

Instead of the pissing match over terms, why not take the energy and put it
somewhere constructive, like actually _making_ product?

The old saying "pick your battles" comes to mind. The battle over
terminology is _impossible_ to "win" if _everyone_ _else_ agrees the term
you're using means something else.