How to be on the front page of Youtube?

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May 22, 2011
it has been almost like 3 months that this girl called jennamarbles(who actually tries to talk blahblahblah for "AWESOME" pet names) occupies my right upper side of Youtube main page. How can she stay there for that much? only 3M views, not viral not anything exclusive. Last time i checked there was no way to pay youtube for anything but this is definitely changed. Any comments on this?


Nov 8, 2010
19,160 to advertising? It's called a promoted video. It's paid for by a company. Of course you can pay Youtube. Why is there always ads in the beginning of popular videos? Because someone paid for those to be there. Where are all of these videos stored? Who pays for the electricity to run Google's Data Centers? Advertisers. Keep clicking that link buddy, McGoogs gets money everytime you watch.


May 22, 2011

pffff thanks for cocky attitude i know advertising and i am not ignorant. i meant could users pay youtube for front page?... :pfff:


Mar 5, 2008

lol - nice. You know advertising but dont know an ad when you see it.

Advertising means you pay for it to be watched. Since you know all about advertising you probably knew that :kaola: My Youtube page even says "Advertising" right above that.

The only ignorant person with a cocky attitude that I see on this thread is you kid.

The definition of ignorance is ignoring the obvious, especially when someone just told you the answer, and then trying to make THEM look ignorant. That's also called hypocrisy.

Wouldn't it make more sense to ask YOUTUBE if you can pay them for the front page, rather than members of tomshardware forum? :hello:
But tomshardware forum members are omnipotent, interesting, handsome , eclectic ... the list goes on.

Ask us anything and we shall have an opinion for you.

/prepares tea leaf reading ...


May 22, 2011
i simply wonder something else but people constantly answer the same question... Look the first question was about the girl right? not ads not companies how she got there... by the way i dont need your opinion about me or my entries, if you don't have anything useful to say, you dont talk-that is what honorable men do- It is my right to ask here anything i wonder which is one of the reason this forum exists. So don't judge me of entries, instead ask yourself why have i suddenly become a literature teacher.

Im afraid youre going to get the same answer, unless you want us to start making things up, which were also good at... :D
The promo ad is also prominent for you based on your previous searches using the tube.

Remember the cookies left on your computer from repeated use of the tube (like many other web applications) give them the ability to post links they think will be of interest to you ... and interest to them in terms of products they advertise.

Here we have a similar advertisement system.

For instance our threads on "Tanks" some time ago ended up being a discussion about buying cheap military materiel from Russia ... which turned to a discussion about mail order brides.

All of the ads and banners here pushed ads for mail order brides at me for days.

It was hilarious.

My wife was suspicious ...

heh heh ...

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