
Feb 21, 2004
Well some of you probably don't care but I will post <A HREF="http://www.channelregister.co.uk/2005/07/11/dixons_amd_intel/" target="_new">it</A> anyways.

-Jeremy Dach


Dec 31, 2007
I wonder where I've seen <A HREF="http://forumz.tomshardware.com/hardware/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&p=214715#214715" target="_new">that</A> before...

But yeah. Maybe AMD should have, you know, stuck to facts? It'd be funny as hell if they actually got sued over this. **ROFL**

<font color=red> :evil: یί∫υєг ρђœŋίχ :evil:
<i>The devil is in the details.</i></font color=red>
@ 192K -> 200,000 miles or bust!


Apr 7, 2005
<A HREF="http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=581&e=1&u=/nm/20050712/tc_nm/eu_intel_probe_dc" target="_new">Update</A>

<font color=red>It's impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious<font color=red>


Mar 1, 2001
IANAL but...I wish Dixons good luck with any lawsuit. Court filings tend to fall under the canopy of "privileged speech." AMD can legitimately claim a lot of things in a civil complaint (even a public one) that might otherwise land them in hot water.

Dixons might possibly make a case if (and only if) they can convince a court that AMD's statement was false, that AMD knew it was false at the time, and that it was stated with malicious intent directed at Dixons. Screaming "NOT TRUE!!!" at the top of their lungs doesn't even get Dixons over the first hurdle. For that matter, it doesn't exempt Dixons from discovery obligations either, if that's what they were shooting for.

<i>"Intel's ICH6R SouthBridge, now featuring RAID -1"


"Yeah. You have two hard drives, neither of which can actually boot."</i>


Feb 21, 2004
You missed the point AMD has had ample time to increase production thats the only way they will get market share yet they still have 2 fabs. The industry buys whats cheap and whats plentiful Intel can do both or one or the other it doesnt really matter.

Now do I think AMD has a legal position yes and no, I personally want to watch this pan out over the next few years.

-Jeremy Dach


AMD has had ample time to increase production thats the only way they will get market share
No, you have missed the point. Amd has been capable of supporting a larger market share for some time. 4 years ago , they could handle 25%, they have been able to farm out a much larger amount to "others" since before that even. They even have contingency plans for catastophic failure.
Let's face it, thier litigation would be pointless, if they could not prove capacity.


Dec 31, 2007
Ah yes, the eleventh commandment. Thou shalt not attempt to take market share from Intel.
I thought that according to the dead sea scrolls the eleventh commandment was "Thou shalt not serve the Lord's fish with grain." Which has caused the Catholic Church no end of worry as they'd been serving battered fish at their friday fish fries forever. I mean who knows how many of their own faith they've condemned to hell because of this? It's almost as bad as the tally of Jehovah's Witnesses that can't actually fit into heaven.

Of course it's the seventeenth and eighteenth commandments that really have some faithful concerned, as the seventeenth reads "Do not obey the eithteenth commandment." and the eighteenth reads "Obey the seventeenth commandment."

Not that many are very worried anyway, as it has been long believed by historians that somewhere after the first seven commandments Moses was actually under the influence of both mushrooms and fermented berries that he'd picked from the top of the mountain. God only knows what He had actually told Moses to write down. Which is probably why the second through fifth of the commandment tablets were accidentally left behind.

<font color=red> :evil: یί∫υєг ρђœŋίχ :evil:
<i>The devil is in the details.</i></font color=red>
@ 192K -> 200,000 miles or bust!


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<pre><font color=red>°¤o,¸¸¸,o¤°`°¤o \\// o¤°`°¤o,¸¸¸,o¤°
And the sign says "You got to have a membership card to get inside" Huh
So I got me a pen and paper And I made up my own little sign</pre><p></font color=red>