I tried to install windows 7 xp without switching my computer off and now my com

You probably started running a repair install instead of an actual install if the PC was on when you inserted the disc.
When you say it wont boot, how far does it get ?

Do you know how to get into the Bios ? its usually by tapping delete or F8 while the PC is booting.

Read this: it will be easier than me typing it all out :) http://pcsupport.about.com/od/fixtheproblem/ht/accessbios.htm

Once you are in the bios set the primary/first boot device to be the optical drive.

Save and exit the Bios, take your time its all in there, which buttons to press etc.

Next you need to insert the disc in the PC, leave the disc in and restart it and it will start a fresh install process.

Hope that's what you wanted to know.

Mactronix :)