C program for shapes to calculate area and volume using function overloading

Missing lots of details here.

What sort of shape?
"Overloading" is a function of C++ not C

for example if you want to get the volume of a cube:
int cube_volume(int width, int height, int length){
    return width*height*length;

Missing lots of details here.

What sort of shape?
"Overloading" is a function of C++ not C

for example if you want to get the volume of a cube:
int cube_volume(int width, int height, int length){
    return width*height*length;

It is really quite easy. Just look up the area and volume formula of the shapes on google and perform the math is C or C++.

Volume of pyramid is (Base * height) / 3
Area of triangle is (base * 0.5) * height

Area of rectangle is width*height

Other shape formulas can be found easily and be implemented like above.

C operators: http://www.tutorialspoint.com/ansi_c/c_operator_types.htm

C++ function overloading examples: http://www.learncpp.com/cpp-tutorial/76-function-overloading/

Good luck.