Frame Rate Woes


Jul 19, 2003
Here's the deal... Im running a GeForce4 Ti4200 64meg on a Asus a7v8x-x with a AthlonXP 2100 with 512 pc2100. In a few days I'll drop in a Ti4600 128meg, AthlonXP 2700, 512 Corsair pc2700.
Now the issue... I can't seem to set my graphics settings much higher than 800x600/32 @ medium settings on Battlefield 1942, without getting the choppys. I was doing better than that when I had my old MoBo in. Here's the twist... My friend, whom I just built a 3.0 ghz P4 800mgz fsb, 1gig Corsair ram, FX5900>(hello!) all on a Asus board as well, powerhouse rig. Guess what? Same issue!
Does ANYBODY have a clue as to what is goin on here? Yes, Ive updated all drivers.
I've tried to research this for a few days now and haven't had any luck resolving this. Any help would be awsome.


Jan 4, 2003
could be monitor issue, if u dont have a monitor that supports 1024x768 (highly unlikely) u wont be able to go high than 800x600 try update the AGP driver for ur chipset and your monitor if u can

Proud Owner the Block Heater
120% nVidia Fanboy
PROUD OWNER OF THE GEFORCE FX 5900ULTRA <-- I wish this was me
I'd get a nVidia GeForce FX 5900Ultra... if THEY WOULD CHANGE THAT #()#@ HSF