Wanted: ATI All In Wonder 128 Pro AGP or PCI (UK)



Wanted: All In Wonder 128Pro graphics card.

Anyone in the UK who want to get rid of their ATI All in wonder 128Pro graphics card, be it AGP or PCI, i want one!

I want the 128Pro "all in wonder" model with the accessories, not just a normal 128Pro card.

I am fully open to negociation on the price, start at £20 for the card and all accessories?

Send a e-mail to j.sommer@btopenworld.com if you might want to sell.

Thanks, John.

"...and so i put another round in that person... and he didn't move no more." - US Soldier

"Stars aren't any good unless they shine." - Derek Lemon


Dec 16, 2002
why would you want that. What's wrong with a cheap All in wonder 9000? Maybe even cheaper the 7500. They will offer better performance and you get a handy warranty too.

Add witty comment here.


I just bought a new GF4 for my PC and can't really afford anything decent for this other machine.

To me a second hand 128Pro All In Wonder is a cost effective card to find.

"...and so i put another round in that person... and he didn't move no more." - US Soldier

"Stars aren't any good unless they shine." - Derek Lemon