Confused About Resolution Designation



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I've got a Dell Inspiron 8600 I bought last year. The invoice states it
has a "15.4" Ultra Sharp (TM) Wide Screen XGA". The native resolution is
1280 x 800.

I'm looking at a Dell Inspiron 6000. It comes with

1) 15.4" WXGA
2) 15.4" Ultra Sharp (TM) WSXGA+
3) 15.4" Ultra Sharp (TM) WUXGA

I don't want the screen where the font is so small it's hard to read.
From the three screens above, it doesn't look like the 6000 comes in
something equivalent to the 8600 15.4" Ultra Sharp (TM) Wide Screen XGA,
unless the "WS" in 2) stands for Wide Screen, but I think it stands for
Wide screen Super XGA.

Am I right?

Thank you.


Archived from groups: (More info?)

Shannon wrote:
> I've got a Dell Inspiron 8600 I bought last year. The invoice states
> it has a "15.4" Ultra Sharp (TM) Wide Screen XGA". The native
> resolution is 1280 x 800.
> I'm looking at a Dell Inspiron 6000. It comes with
> 1) 15.4" WXGA
> 2) 15.4" Ultra Sharp (TM) WSXGA+
> 3) 15.4" Ultra Sharp (TM) WUXGA
> I don't want the screen where the font is so small it's hard to read.
> From the three screens above, it doesn't look like the 6000 comes in
> something equivalent to the 8600 15.4" Ultra Sharp (TM) Wide Screen
> XGA, unless the "WS" in 2) stands for Wide Screen, but I think it
> stands for Wide screen Super XGA.
> Am I right?
> Thank you.

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