
Jun 25, 2003
Sounds a new motherboard is my advise.

I had a P4 2.4GHz, 533MHz FSB, with a 9600XT. If I installed any drivers newer than 3.9, it would crash. No rhyme or reason, it just did. Tried updated BIOS, AGP Drivers, fresh install, new PSU, nothing helped. So I sold it and bought an XP 2800+ and a 9800 PRO, and everything is just great now. :smile:

Systems Running F@H:
AMD: [A64 3200+] [XP2800+ x2] [XP2400+] [XP2000+]
Intel: [P4 2.8 x3] [P4 1.8] [P4 1.7] [P4 1.6 x2] [P4 1.4M] [Xeon 1.0] [Cel 1.0] [P3 ??]
Well VIA and My R9600Pro (or AIW PCI or R8500DV), no problems except when <b>I</b> didn't do my part and forgot to update the BIOS to via's current ones (heck missed two updates in that time).

Your problem NOT universal.

And saying that there's other @ ViaArena who experience this problem, well of course, there's tons of those out there, and people like me don't post in ViaArena to say "Hi no problems here... thanks!"

Go to any MoBo or Card maker's forum and you have many of these situations, and if you only look from that one perspective it's just that mfr that is causing problems.

Good Luck with a new board, but I don't see a call to arms, but if there were my <i>nom de guerre</i> would be: FearlessFuchsia. :lol:

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Feb 11, 2005

VIA is just horrible.. that sorry excuse for a company only exists because they had the Athlon market cornered for so many years


Feb 11, 2005
well they are a large company, and have other interests.
but they sell enough to OEMs and the occasional dumbass pc builder to stay in there.

they ARE still the cheapest thing basically, which some ppl desire. not worth it IMO, and apparantly yours either.
its cheap to throw any VIA board in and sell it based on its Mhz (hey, dell does it) to someone looking for a email/web machine

i'd rather have just about anything else in my rig (even ECS) and same goes for my familys computers that i take care of


Because they upped the ante and do a better job now?

How about the fact they succeeded making a PCIe and AGP hybrid motherboard to allow transitioning more smoothly to a PCIe board with NO PERFORMANCE DROPS WHATSOEVER when using an AGP version of a card?

I think VIA's a worthy contender. If it weren't for Gigabyte's awesome feature set on this K8NXP-9 (and its sexy box and looks :cool: ), and VIA had their new stuff out, I'd have taken a look at that and considered it.

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To me VIA's best features are their Audio and their low power low heat mini-itx all in-one board/solutions. They just added a new dual 2ghz solution that is supposed to consume some ridiculously low power like under 10W per board! Awesome for home media server IMO.

As for their chipset, I haven't had any problem with mine, but I do wish they had come up with dual channel memory by the time I bought it.

This time around the feature set on all the boards sofar just looks anaemic in comparison to the Gigabyte nF4 boards. Heck even the RS480s/X200 boards that are finally showing up are all mini-ATX. VIA's nowhere near as bad as they used to be, but now they are seeming like the frugal poor nephew in the AMD market with very few additional feature compared to ATi and nV.

- You need a licence to buy a gun, but they'll sell anyone a stamp <i>(or internet account)</i> ! - <font color=green>RED </font color=green> <font color=red> GREEN</font color=red> GA to SK :evil:


Often VIA goes for performance, I notice. The KT266A was beyond any of the AMD chipsets at the time, since it boosted the memory controller performance significantly over the KT266. And their K8T800PRO is able to match if not outpace the nF4 sometimes too. It's a serious contender, make no mistake. (despite the clear fact that chipsets for K8s are not even supposed to have significant performance variations due to the fact the memory controller is on die and that's where a chipset usually gets its reputation for its performance)
Price-wise they are also doing good. So if someone doesn't want extreme features, but a good price and great performance, a VIA K8T890 is in no way a bad choice, if not a great one. In fact, one who is looking to smoothly transition to PCIe will have a great experience with the AGP/PCIe hybrid. IIRC it was slated for P4 but will also be done for AMD. (although much needed for Intel because they are aggressively pushing PCIe)

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